Red Lion, Market place, St Ives, Cornwall

St Ives pub history index

Directory of Pubs in the UK, historical public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in Cornwall.

Residents at this address

1830, Charles Short, Red LIon, St Ives, Cornwall

1844, George Wasley, Red Lion, St Ives, Cornwall

1856, James Rowe, Red Lion, Market place, St Ives, Cornwall

1871 census at Red Lion Inn
Charles Hill,Head,M,40,,Mason,St Kew Cornwall
Mary A Hill,Wife,M,,40,,Ludgvan Cornwall
James F. Polgain,Sonlaw,,10,,Scholar,Ludgvan Cornwall
Charles Hall,Son,,4, Penzance Cornwall
John H Hall,Son,,2, Penzance Cornwall

And Last updated on: Friday, 09-Feb-2024 12:44:45 GMT