Yard Down Inn, Yard Down, North Molton

North Molton pub history index

This is a little bit of an enigma. In the 1911 census summary it is listed as an Inn at Yard Down. The 1914 and 1919 directoires also list it as the Poltimore Arms, Yard Down which is not correct, or maybe it is.

Directory of Pubs in the UK, historical public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in Devon .

Residents at this address

1911/John Watts/Farmer & Contractor/60/North Molton, Devon/Census
1911/Grace Watts/Wife/60/North Molton, Devon/Census
1911/John Watts jun/Son, Game Keeper/35/North Molton, Devon/Census
1911/Richard Watts/Son, Farmer/33/North Molton, Devon/Census
1911/Thomas Watts/Son, Farm Labourer/23/North Molton, Devon/Census
1911/Henry Govier/Boarder, Mason/50/North Molton, Devon/Census

1914/John Watts/../../../Kellys Directory

1919/Mrs Grace Watts/../../../Kellys Directory

1923, Mrs Grace Watts, Poltimore Arms, Yard Down

And Last updated on: Friday, 09-Feb-2024 12:38:31 GMT