Greyhound, Wigginton, Tring Hertfordshire

Wigginton pub history index

Directory of Pubs in the UK, historical public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in Hertfordshire .

Greyhound, Wigginton, Hertfordshire - in December 2008

Greyhound, Wigginton, Hertfordshire - in December 2008

Kindly provided by Stephen Harris

Residents at this address

1871/Joseph Howes/Publican/28/Wigginton, Hertfordshire/Census
1871/Emma Howes/Wife, Straw Plaiter/26/Tring, Hertfordshire/Census
1871/Ann Bird/Mother in Law, Widow/59/Tring, Hertfordshire/Census
1871/Annie Howes/Daughter/3/Wigginton, Hertfordshire/Census
1871/Emily Howes/Daughter/2/Wigginton, Hertfordshire/Census
1871/Arthur Howes/Son/1/Wigginton, Hertfordshire/Census

1882/Joseph Howes/../../../Post Office Directory

1886/Joseph Howes/../../../Post Office Directory

1890/Joseph Howes/../../../Post Office Directory

1891/Joseph Howes/Gardener & Inn Keeper/48/Wigginton, Herts/Census
1891/Emma Howes/Wife, Assists/46/Tring, Herts/Census
1891/Anne Bird/Mother in Law, Widow/80/Tring, Herts/Census
1891/Clara Howes/Daughter, Help/18/Wigginton, Herts/Census
1891/Frederick Howes/Son/8/Wigginton, Herts/Census

1912/Samuel Riddle/../../../Post Office Directory

1922/Mrs Edith Riddle/../../../Post Office Directory

1926/Mrs Edith Riddle/../../../Post Office Directory

1929/Mrs Edith Riddle/../../../Post Office Directory

1933/Mrs Edith Riddle/../../../Post Office Directory

1937/Joseph Horwood/../../../Post Office Directory

** Provided By Stephen Harris

And Last updated on: Friday, 09-Feb-2024 14:53:34 GMT