Dog & Partridge, Wrecclesham, Surrey

Directory of Pubs in the UK, historical public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in Surrey . The Surrey listing uses information from census, Trade Directories and History to add licensees, bar staff, Lodgers and Visitors.

Residents at this address.

1871/Thomas Eade/Inn Keeper/44/Binsted, Hampshire/Census
1871/Caroline Eade/Wife/38/Frensham, Surrey/Census
1871/Caroline Eade/Daughter/19/Farnham, Surrey/Census
1871/Miriam Eade/Daughter/14/Farnham, Surrey/Census
1871/Cyrus Eade/Son/11/Wrecclesham, Surrey/Census
1871/William Eade/Son/9/Wrecclesham, Surrey/Census
1871/Harry Eade/Son/7/Wrecclesham, Surrey/Census
1871/Louisa Knight/Mother in Law, Widow/79/London/Census
1871/Sarah Mason/Servant/70/Henley on Thames, Berkshire/Census

1891/C Slingo/Ag Labourer, Widow/49/Crookham, Surrey/Census
1891/A Slingo/Son, Ag Labourer/22/Bourne, Surrey/Census
1891/F Slingo/Brother, Ag Labourer, Widow/50/Crookham, Surrey/Census

1913/Albert Wilkinson/../../../Kelly’s Directory

1918/Reuben Cole/../../../Kelly’s Directory

And Last updated on: Monday, 19-Feb-2024 16:06:09 GMT