Royal Hotel, 1 St Johns Road, St Leonards

St Leonards pub history index

This very large 1870s building stands immediately south east of St Leonards Warrior Square Railway Station and was originally and very briefly named the Railway Hotel, but this was changed circa 1876 to the quaint "Mr's Cambell's Hotel" to avoid confusion with the Railway Inn which stands just across the road. (see separate listing for the Railway Hotel, King's Road St Leonards, which should more properly read Railway Inn). To confuse matters even more, widowed landlady Mary Cambell had previously been landlady of that pub (the Railway Inn in King's Road). Mr's Cambell's Hotel was renamed the Royal Hotel in 1884 following a change of landlord. Advertising of the day referred to it as "The Royal Family & Commercial Hotel." The pub remains open, but the hotel side of the business is currently for sale, although the hotel rooms may have been converted into flats. ***

Royal Hotel, 1 St Johns Road, St Leonards - in July 2010

Royal Hotel, 1 St Johns Road, St Leonards - in July 2010

Kindly provided by Terry Huggins

Directory of historical public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in St Leonards, Sussex. The St Leonards, Sussex listing uses information from census, Trade Directories and History to add licensees, bar staff, Lodgers and Visitors.

The following entries are in this format:

Year/Publican or other Resident/Relationship to Head and or Occupation/Age/Where Born/Source.

1901/Loxham Hall/Licensed Victualler/33/Bermondsey, London/Census
1901/Alice Hall/Wife/32/Paddington, London/Census
1901/Thomas Loxham Hall/Son/2/Willesden, Midlesex/Census
1901/Clarissa Kirtley/Mother in Law, Widow/74/Norfolk/Census
1901/Alice Coleman/Barmaid/22/Northiam, Sussex/Census
1901/Ada Gibbs/Cook/22/Charlton, Kent/Census
1901/Rose Martin/General Servant/17/Ashford, Kent/Census
1901/Alice Hill/General Servant/17/Hastings, Sussex/Census
1901/Agnes Owen/General Servant/18/Ashford, Kent/Census
1901/Augusta Wedman/Barmaid/29/Maidstone, Kent/Census
1901/Harry Hinton/Cellerman/30/Elsworth, Cambridgeshire/Census

1918/Mrs Sophia Bessell/../../../Post Office Directory

1938/R E Wilson & Co Ltd/../../../Post Office Directory

*** Provided By Terry Huggins

And Last updated on: Friday, 09-Feb-2024 13:06:01 GMT