Queens Head, Church Street, Nuneaton, Warwickshire

Nuneaton pub history index

Formerly The Queens Head, and also the Pen & Wig and Reflex in Church Road, Nuneaton, this establishment is now a nightclub called Pop World.

Formerly The Queens Head, and also the Pen & Wig and Reflex in Church Road, Nuneaton, this establishment is now a nightclub called Pop World.

Kindly provided by Anthony Barnes

Directory of Pubs in the UK, historical public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in Warwickshire.

Residents at this address

1835/William Thurman, Queens Head, Nuneaton/../Pigots Directory

1850/Thomas Hastelow, Queens Head, Church street, Nuneaton/../Whites Directory

1868/Miss Sarah Marklew, Queens Head, Church street, Nuneaton/../Kellys Directory

1874/William Bradley, Queens Head, 41 Church street, Nuneaton/../Whites Directory

1881/William Pickering/Licensed Victualler/56/Kenilworth, Warwickshire/Census
1881/Eliza Pickering/Wife/59/Coventry, Warwickshire/Census
1881/Joseph Randle/Relatove, Ribbon Weaver/64/Coventry, Warwickshire/Census

1888/Mrs Eliza Pickering, Queens Head, 41 Church street/../Kellys Directory

1891/Eliza Pickering/Licensed Victualler, Widow/69/Coventry, Warwickshire/Census
1891/Joseph Randle/Brother in Law, Servant/64/Coventry, Warwickshire/Census

1900/George Taylor, Queens Head, Church street/../Kellys Directory

1912/William Pickard, Queens Head, Church street/../Kellys Directory

1936/George Deane, Queens Head, Church Street, Nuneaton/../Kellys Directory

1940/George Deane/../../Kellys Directory

And Last updated on: Friday, 09-Feb-2024 14:55:27 GMT