Spotted Dog Inn, 207 Kirkgate, Wakefield

Wakefield Index

A listing of historical public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in Wakefield, Yorkshire.

Residents at this address

1857, John Cousins, Spotted Dog, 207 Kirkgate, Wakefield 1857 directory

In 1871 census at Spotted Dog Inn, Kirkgate
John Pheasant, Innkeeper, aged 39
Ann Pheasant, Wife, aged 42, and born in Brotherton, Yorkshire, and born in Eastington, Yorkshire
George Hargreaves, Father in Law, Sailor, Widower, aged 68, and born in Brotherton, Yorkshire
Ann Elizabeth Wakelin, Niece, aged 4, and born in Wakefield, Yorkshire
Louisa Dixon, Niece, aged 3, and born in Wakefield, Yorkshire
Amanda Johnson, General Servant, aged 28, and born in Netherton, Yorkshire
+ Lodgers

And Last updated on: Tuesday, 05-Mar-2024 12:05:16 GMT