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Wallingford pub history index
Directory of Pubs in the UK, historical public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in Buckinghamshire. The Buckinghamshire listing uses information from census, Trade Directories and History to add licensees, bar staff, Lodgers and Visitors.
The following entries are in this format:
Year/Publican or other Resident/Relationship to Head and or Occupation/Age/Where Born/Source.
Absolom George, parish clerk, Fish street
Adkins Thomas K., miller, Fish street Aldridge William, plumber & glazier, Thames st Allnatt William, Rose and Crown, and boot and shoemaker, St Martin's street Allum John, Two Brewers, Hart street Angless William, tailor, Croft terrace Arthur Benjamin & Son, coach builders, High street Atkinson Rowland William, solicitor and registrar of county court, High street Atkinson William, surgeon, High street Ayres James, hair cutter, Fish street Balchild Ben., umbrella maker, St Leonard's square Balchild William, baker, High street Barrett Charles Albert, surgeon, St Martin's st Barrett William, collector of assessed taxes and income tax, and hatter, Castle street Bartlett Benjamin, jun., beer retailer and mail contractor, Hart street Bennett Henry, haircutter and photographer, High street Bennett Lucy (Mrs), eating-house, Fish street Bennett Thomas, butcher, Fish street Bower Louisa (Mrs), fancy repository & bookseller, Fish street Bradford John, printer, bookseller, stationer, and stamp distributor, Fish street Brasher William, builder, Reading road Bromley James, fruiterer, Fish street Brooker Richard, haircutter, St Mary's lane Bunting Francis, grocer, Fish street Burgess Charles, basket maker, Wood street Butcher Hy. & Wrm., tanners & curriers, High street Butcher Mark, clothier. Fish street Butler Jane (Mrs), shopkeeper, Fish street Carthew John, clerk to guardians, actuary of savings bunk, superintendent registrar, and secretary to gas works, St Mary's lane Castle Alfred James, haircutter and stationer, Fish street . Castle Mary Ann and Sarah June (Misses), milliners and corset makers, Fish street Champion Thomas Arthur, ionmouger and oil and colourman, Fish street Cheney James, beer retailer and tailor, Fish street Cheney Richard, White Hart, Fish street Christie George, watchmaker, Market place Church Kliza (Mist), milliner and dressmaker, Fish street Church William, boot and shoemaker, Fish street Clarke William Shuttleworth, coal and salt merchant, Oxford Canal wharf and at Bensington Clayton Joseph, shoemaker, Thames street Clinch John, Eight Bells, St Martin's street Clowdesley William Peckham, veterinary surgeon, High street Cook Thomas, boot and shoemaker, St Peter's Church lane Cooper Edward, carpenter, Castle street Cope Charles, sen., beer retailer, St Mary's lane Cope George, cooper and beer retailer, High st Cope Robert, Cross Keys, High street Corbold John, stationer and fancy repository, Market place Corner Louis Manton, plumber, glazier, gilder, and paperhanger. Fish street Cotterell Charles George, accountant, agent to Reading Mercury and Boyal Fire and Life Insurance, Market place Court Walter Charles, surveyor of income and assessed taxes for the divisions of Moreton in Berks, and Watlington and Henley in Oxon, Fish street Cowling Joseph, manager of gas works Crook George, fellmonger, woolstapler, and parchment maker, St. Leonard's square Dafters Joseph, rope and twine maker, Goldsmith's lane Davies John, grocer. Fish street Deacon Richard, solicitor, Castle street Denton William, beer retailer and carrier, Fish sireet Dyer Henry William, upholsterer and broker, High street Dyer William, cabinet maker and upholsterer, Market place Eggleton John, beer retailer, Fish street Field and Hawkins, mercers, linen and woollen drapers, undertakers, and hatters, and agents to National Provident Life Assurance, Market place Field Daniel, Town Arms Commercial Inn, High street Finch Job, confectioner and tea dealer, Market place Francis Robert, dealer in game, High street Franklin (William) & Gale (Joseph), auctioneers and land aud estate agents, Market place Friday Jane, milliner & dress maker, Castle street Gammon Ann (Mrs), wine and spirit merchant, St Martin's street Gammon John, seedsman, St Martin's street Gibbons George William, baker and corn merchant, St Leonard's square Giles Elizabeth (Mis), beer retailer, Kine croft Gill Thomas, boot and shoemaker, High street Goodchild James, relieving officer, Lower green Green Henry Sylvester, registrar of births and deaths, Market place Gregory Thomas, ironmonger, Market place Gregory William, blacksmith, High street Gutridge James, millwright, Wood street Haines Joseph, beer retailer, High street Hall Elizabeth (Miss), cooper, &c, Fish street Harris George, beer retailer and shopkeeper, Fish street Havergal John, Row Barge, St Leonard's Church lane Hector William Henry, Red Lion Commercial Inn, High street Hedges Charles, clerk to the justices for Moreton hundred, Market place Hedges John Kirby & Charles, solicitors, Market place Hedges, Wells, and Co., bankers, Market place; draw on Jones, Loyd, and Co., London Higgins Michael, baker, Wood street Hilliard John, china, glass, and earthenware warehouse, Fish street Hilliard William Benjamin, & John, auctioneers and agents, timber, coal, slate, salt, and general merchants, and agents to Phoenix Fire & European Life Offices, Lower wharf Hilliard William Benjamin & John, brewers, Goldsmith's lane Honeybone George, stone mason, Castle street Howes John, watch maker, St. Martin's street Huggins William, blacksmith, Wood street Hughes Jane (Mrs), boot & shoemaker, Fish street Hughes William, bootmaker. Castle street Hutt Henry, boot and shoemaker, Fish street Irving James, fruiterer, Fish street |
Jenkins Thos., hairdresser, bookseller,
stationer, bookbinder, fancy repository, and
post office, Fish street Jenkins William Daniel, printer and publisher of the Berks and Oxon Advertiser, Fish street Jennings Wm., wheelwright & smith, Fish street Johnson Robert, police inspector. Fish street Kitchen Joseph, saddler and harness maker, Fish street Kitchen Thomas, boot and shoemaker, High st Larkcom Elizabeth (Mrs), baker, High street Larkcom the Misses, ladies' school, High street Lester Thomas, butcher, St Peter's Church lane Lewis Francis William, basket and sieve maker, Thames street Lewis Richard., beer retailer & carrier, Thames st Lewis William Edwin, baker, Fish street Liddiard John, grocer, bacon curer, and tallow chandler, St Martin's street and High street Little George, plumber and glazier, St Mary's la Little Emma (Miss), milliner and dress maker, St Mary's lane London and County Bank, High street; draw on head office, 21 Lombard street, London; Henry Augustus Clarke, esq., manager Lovegrove Thomas, grocer, tea dealer, and provision merchant, and agent to Life Association of Scotland Insurance Co., High st Lovelock George, butcher, Fish street Lovelock Henry, Mermaid, and butcher, St Martin's street Mansell Lucy (Mrs), Feathers Commercial Inn, Market place Marsh Robert, boot and shoemaker, Fish street Marshall John Hedges, surgeon, High street Martin James, basket maker, St Martin's street Munt Bisley, butcher, High street Naish Henry, plumber and glazier, Fish street Neighbour John Edward, land surveyor, High st Nichols Jane Maria (Mrs), milliner and straw bonnet maker, High street Norris Henry, boot and shoemaker, High street Oldham John, tailor, draper, and hatter, Fish st Palmer James, master of union, High street Partridge William, shopkeeper, Fish street Passey Edward, rag, coal, and coke merchant, Fish street Payne Robert, chemist, grocer, and agent to the Sun Fire and Life, Market place Payne William, watchmaker, jeweller, bookseller, and stationer, Market place Pearman Alfred, wine and spirit merchant, and agent to Royal Farmers' Fire, Life, and Hail Insurance, High street Pettit William and Thomas, drapers, clothiers, and hatters, Fish street Peyman William, Duke's Head, Fish street Ponnsett Benjamin, nursery and seedsman, High street Preston Hannah (Mrs), sausage maker, Fish st Preston Martha (Miss), grocer & beer retailer, Goldsmiths' lane Prowse Brothers (James and John Hopkins), wine and spirit merchants, Market place Prowse James, corn merchant, Market place Ray Edward, saddler & harness maker, High st Ray James, farmer, Park farm Reynolds John, Swan, Shillingford bridge Roberts Wm., Anchor, St Leonard's Church la Rusher James, china and earthenware dealer, High street Saunders George, cabinetmaker, upholsterer, and paperhanger, High street Sevell James, linen draper. High street Sherwood Miss, shoe warehouse. Market place Skeates William Hy., excise officer, Lower green Smith Amy (Mrs), baker, High street Smith Elizabeth, broker, St Leonard's square Smith Richard, tailor, draper, and carver and gilder, High street Spokes Frederick Peter, maltster & corn dealer, and agent to Norwich Union Fire and Life Insurance, St Martin's street Staniland George, organ builder, piano-forte tuner, and music warehouse, Fish street Stormer Wm., George Commercial Inn, High st Stratton Sarah (Mrs), day school, St Leonard's square Taplin James, Lamb Commercial Hotel and Posting House, High street Thompson Miss, ladies' school, St Martin's st Timms Mary Ann (Mrs), Oxford House, Market place Turner Thomas, town crier, High street Tyso Carey, florist and seedsman, and agent to British Empire Life Assurance, Wood street Upton Eustace J., chemist, St Leonard's square Venimore Christopher John, ironmonger, and agent to General Fire and Life, High steel Wallis Joseph, beer retailer, High street Webb Charles Thomas, chimney sweeper, Goldsmith's lane Webb John, classical and commercial academy. South Bridge house Wells Edward, ale and porter brewer, Wallingford brewery Wells William Toovey, grocer and tea dealer, St Martin's street Wernham William, ironmonger and tin-plate worker, Fish street Wheeler Henry, Green Tree, St Leonard's sq Whichelo Ann (Mrs), fishmonger, St Leonard's square Whichelo Ann (Mrs), beer retailer, Old Moor lane Whichelo William, veterinary surgeon, High street Whitfield Charlotte (Miss), milliner and dressmaker, Fish street Wilder Richard, iron and brass founder, Fish street Williams George, saddler and harness maker, Fish street Willson Oliver, beer retailer, Wood street Winter Moses, builder, &c., Fish street Wise Charles, beer retailer, Wood street Wood Richard James, builder, Castle street Wood Wm., registrar of marriages, St Martins street Woodbridge Jason, saddler, Fish street Woods John, King's Arms, Fish street |