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Landport 1865 Harrods Directory - Traders H - J

Portsmouth pubs history index - Portsmouth 1855 index

Habens Alexander, coach builder, 340, Commercial road ; p. r. Southsea
Hackman Leonard Lewis, chemist and druggist, Buckland road
Hadley Edwin, shopkeeper Railway view
Hall John, bootmaker, 41, Prince street
Hall William, beer retailer, Alfred terrace
Hampshire Banking Company (branch of), 117, Commercial road ; draw on the London Joint Stock Bank. Hours of business 10 till 4; Augustus P. Fabian, Esq., manager
Hancock Brothers, earthenware warehouse, 222, Commercial road ; p. r., Kingston crescent
Hanham Edward Sparrow, boot and clog manufacturer, 29, Russell street
HANNAM BROTHERS, boot and clog manufacturers, 9, Charlotte street & 29, Russell street
Hannan/ James, family grocer, &c., 311, Commercial road
Hanover William, hairdresser, 103, Surrey street
Hanson John, furniture broker, 85; Lake road
Harbor William, grocer, baker, and brewer, 363, Commercial road
Hardham Frederick, beer retailer, Great Prospect road, Flathouse
Harding Stephen Thomas, London, Birmingham, and Sheffield warehouse, 19 & 21, Russell street
Hayfield Charles, grocer and brewer, 147, Commercial road
Harrad Richard, beer retailer, 20, Church road
Harris Benjamin, stonemason & contractor, 18, Commercial road
Harris Mrs. Clara, shopkeeper, Church path north
Harris Daniel, The Shipwrights Arms tavern and Museum tea gardens, Buckland road
Harris Edwin D., butcher, 75, Charlotte street
Harris Harriet, shopkeeper, Lords street
Harrison Alfred, linen draper, &c., 3, Russell street
Hart Edward, professor of music, 382, Commercial road
Hart William Henry, cork manufacturer, 185, Commercial road
Hartfield Mrs. Charlotte, shopkeeper, 45, Montague street
Hartley William, tailor, 30, Arundel street
Harvey Edward, butcher, 57, Charlotte street
Harvey William, pork butcher, 313, Commercial road
Harwood James, greengrocer, New Fratton
Haseltine John Robert, shirt maker, 172A, Commercial road ; p. r., 184, Lake road
Haslett Edward, linen draper, 64, Arundel street
Hatch Chas. (firm of Edmonds & Hatch), North End, Kingston
Hatch William, parish clerk and registrar of births, deaths, and marriages, Kingston I p. r., Fratton road
Hatherly John, grocer and baker, 15, Thomas street
HAWGOOD ALFRED JAMES, pawnbroker and jeweller, 53, Russell street
Hawgood Thomas Samuel, Red House tavern, Church road, Kingston
HAWGOOD WILLIAM SAMUEL, loan and discount bank, and bill broker, 1 & 3, Jacob street ; p. r., Poplar house, Stamshaw terrace Mile end
Hawkes Miss Elizabeth, school, 7, Thomas street
Hawkins George, agent to the Union Fire and Life Assurance office, 432, Commercial road
HAYLES WILLIAM WHEELER, family chemist and druggist, 109, Commercial road, and at 116, Fratton road
Hayward Henry, brewer, Duncan street
Hayward Joseph, White Swan tavern, Kingston road
Hayward Lucretia, beer retailer, Stamshaw lane
Hayward Stephen, warrant officer R.N., 4, Sydenham terrace
Hayward Theodore, bird and animal preserver 28, Greetharn street
Hellyer Henry, linen draper, milliner, &c., & 2, Lion Gate road and Commercial road
Henly Mrs. Harriet, beer retailer, 20, Fratton street
Hepworth Mrs. Walter E., milliner and dressmaker, 89, Lake road
Hewett John, beer retailer, 211, Lake road.
Hickot Walter, revenue officer, 38, Sydenham terrace
Hicks James, statuary and mason, 114, Commercial road and 1, Surrey street
Hill John, confectioner, 26, Clarendon street
Hillier Mrs. Maria, Wiltshire Lamb tavern, Commercial road
Hinks Edmund Leane, stationer and post office receiving house, 171, Commercial road
Hoar James, general dealer, 3, Little Charlotte street
Hoar Mrs. Jemima, grocer, 480, Commercial road
Hoar Samuel, tailor, 224, Commercial road.
Hoar William, hairdresser, 7, Commercial road
Hoar William, hairdresser, 10, Russell street
Hoar William Payne, beer retailer, 24 Surrey street
Hobbs John, shopkeeper, Church path north.
Hobbs Miss Louisa, shopkeeper, 59, Lake road
HOBBS THOMAS, herbalist & seedsman, and dealer in earthenware, 316, Commercial road
Hodges Mrs. Jane, greengrocer, 10, Church road
Hodges John Dyer, builder, 4, Thomas street
Hodges Thomas, beer retailer and grocer, 44 & 46, Abercrombie street
Holland James, grocer and beer retailer, 7 & 8, Kingston road
Holiest George, beer retailer, 49, Clarendon street
Holloway John J., manager for Brown & Co., brewers, &c., 2, Great Charlotte street
Holmes Charles, Briton tavern, 2, Harley street
Honeyfidd F., working cutler, Charlotte street
Hooker Wm. Spearing, baker and grocer, Charles street
Hopkins George, fruiterer, 248, Commercial road
Hopson Christopher, steward RN., Regent cottage, Sydney place
Hopwood William, The Magnet, corner of Greetham street and Telegraph street
Horder Peter greengrocer, Surrey street
Horder Stephen, tailor, 12, Railway view
Hore J., shoemaker, Lake road
Horn Joseph William, beer retailer, Kingston cross
Horn Edward, manager of the Portsmouth and Gosport Co-operative Company (Limited), 272, Commercial road
Horner George, greengrocer, 86, Crasswell street
HORNER THOMAS AND CHARLES, grocers, bakers, &c., Charlotte street & Spring street
Hoskins George, beer retailer, 88, Surrey street
Houghton Charles, architect and surveyor, North End
Houghton George, shopkeeper, 54, Clarence street
Hounsell Henry, shopkeeper, 77, Princes street
House Miss Caroline, preparatory school, 137, Lake road
House George, tobacconist and newsagent, 46, Russell street
House Henry, beer retailer and market gardener, 135, Lake road
Howard Robert Henry, painter & glazier, 18, Clarendon street
HOWELL JOHN EBENEZER, draper and funeral establishment, 243, Commercial road
Hubbard Edward, butcher, 307, Commercial road
Humby James, pork butcher, York street, Lower Church path
Humby James 0., painter, glazier, &c., 23, Crasswell street
Hurnby Joseph, cooper & shopkeeper, 23, Crasswell street
Humby Walter, grocer and tea dealer, 111, Commercial road
Humphreys Joel, general dealer, Harley street
Humphreys John, tailor, 3, Commercial road
Hunn Mrs., tailoress, 43, Surrey street
Hunt Henry, butcher, 34, Charlotte street
Hunt John, timber & coal dealer, fruiterer and greengrocer, 80 & 86, Crasswell st
Hunt John, hairdresser, 85, Crasswell street
Hunt John, butcher, 7, Charlotte street
Hunt Thomas, greengrocer, 1, Montague street
Hunter Thomas Coker, cork cutter, 12, Thomas street
Hunt William, grocer, baker, &c., 76 & 78, Crasswell street
Husband John, stay maker and toy dealer, 5, Lion Gate road
Hutchings Alfred, timber dealer, Bow street
Hutchins Robert William, shopkeeper, 70, Charlotte street
Huxford Mrs. Mary, milliner & dressmaker, 2, Church path
Hyde Alfred, timber dealer, Upper Arundel street
Hyde George, timber dealer, 37, Arundel street
Hyslop Thomas, baker and grocer, Buckland road
Hider Miss, milliner & dressmaker, Clarence street
Ingram Charles, butcher, 52, Arundel street
Ings Mrs., straw bonnet maker, 219, Commercial road
Ings Mrs. Sarah, greengrocer, 50, Tratton street
Ireton Henry, shopkeeper, 38, Upper Arundel street
Isles George, dyer, 192; Commercial road
Isted Robert, glass cutter, 43, Commercial road
Izod Edwin & Co., stay manufacturers, 58, Charlotte street, and at 13, Grocers Hall court, Poultry, London,-Mr. Bessent, manager
Jackman Augustus Isaac, plumber, &c., 4, John street, Russell street
Jago John, beer retailer & coppersmith, 141, Lake road
James Charles, beer retailer, Lake road
James James, tobacconist, 255, Commercial road
James John, shopkeeper, Harley street
James Joseph, clerk H.M. dockyard, 353, Commercial road
James Philip, boot maker, 66, Upper Church path
Jeftery Benjamin, greengrocer, 123, Crasswell street
Jeffery George, pawnbroker, 3 & 5, John street, Russell street
JEFFERY SAMUEL, Caulkers Arms, 43, Russell street
Jenkins Mrs. Ann, chimney sweeper, 324, Commercial road
Jenkins James, White Bear tavern, Cotstege View
Jenkins Mrs. Sarah Jane, pork butcher, 161, Lake road
Jeram Joseph, blacksmith & wheelwright, Arundel street
Jerram James, grocer and tea dealer, Land port tea mart, 180, Commercial road. p.r., Chestnut ter., North rd., Kingston
Johnson James, beer retailer, 8, Meadows street
Johnson Mrs. Jane, wardrobe dealer, 30, Russell street
Jollife Charles J., farmer, Eastney farm, Eastney
Jolliffe John, Crown tavern, 244, Commercial road
Jolliffe Joseph, general dealer, 106, Commercial road
Jollife Josiah, fruiterer, 5, Buckland
Jolliffe Mrs., lodging-house keeper, 90, Tratton street
Jolliffe Robert F., farmer, Fratton farm, Fratton
Jolliffe William Thomas, Surrey Arms tavern, Surrey street
Jones Edward George, tailor & draper, 17, Arundel street
Jorden George, bootmaker, 35, Church street

And Last updated on: Wednesday, 02-Oct-2024 13:56:11 BST