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PORTSEA 1865 Harrods Directory - Traders A - B

Portsmouth pubs history index - Portsmouth 1855 index


Adames C. G., architect and surveyor, 66, North street
Adams John, printer, 60, Hanover street
Aldous Alexander James, (firm of Stoke and Co. ) wine and spirit merchants, the Hard
Allen Robert, beer retailer and eating house 33, Butcher street
ALLEN WM. FREDERICK, the Good Intent, Lion street and Hay street
Allen Miss, seminary, 32, York place
Allnutt and Son, family chemists and druggists, 104, Queen street
Allnutt Frederick, lozenge manufacturer, 12 and 13, Chapel row
Amass George E., butcher, 105, Queen street
Amatt George, working jeweller, 34, Union street
Andrews George, upholsterer and cabinet maker, 50, Hanover street
Andrews Henry Jno., printer, bookseller, binder and stationer, 90, Queen street
Andrews Jeremiah, private diocesan school, 8, Lion place
ANTILL NATHANIEL, wine, spirit, and porter merchant, agent for Buxton, Bass and Allsopps ales, Guinness Dublin stout, Half moon at., near the dockyard. gate, Oyster st., Portsmouth, and Palmerston road, Southsea,
Apple John, beer retailer, 7, Havant street
Arnold Jabez, grocer and provision merchant, 28, Queen street
Arnold John, pastry book and confectioner, 177, Queen street, 119, Commercial road, Landport
Artrick Robert, marine store dealer, 44, North street
Ashdowne George, The Lion, and wine an spirit merchant, Queen street, and St. James street
Athenmum, Bishop at., H. M. Emanuel, Esq., vice-president, Mr. Batchellor, treasurer, Mr. Lye Buckland, librarian Atkins George H., circulating library, printseller music and piano-forte warehouse 5, Ordnance row
Atkins 11irs. Lydia, lodging-house keeper, 12, Lion terrace
Attwood and Co., wholesale and retail grocers, and tea merchants, 44, Queen street, and at 221 and 223, Lake road
Avins John tailor, 25, Cross street
AYLEN THOMAS, currier and leather closed upper and grindery warehouse, 4 and 5, Kent street
Bacchus Moses Pearcy, lodging-house, 6, King street
Bailey Charles H., brick, slate, and general merchant and shipping agent, 237 St. Georges square
Bainton William, turner and Venetian blind maker, 39, Bishop street
Baker George, shopkeeper, York place
Baker Mrs. Jane, eating-house keeper, 37, North street
Baker William, boot and shoe manufacturer, 36, Queen street
Barber Henry, dairyman and toy dealer, 8,Kent street
Barnet Mrs. Kate, clothes dealer, 26, Butcher street
Bartlett & Son, boot & shoe manufacturers, 53, Queen street
Bartlett Benjamin, beer retailer, 13, Cross street
Bartlett Charles, beer retailer, 65, St. Georges square
Bartlett Henry, lodging house, 63, Union street
Bartlett Henry, coal dealer, 55, Havant street
Bartlett Richard, grocer, 12, Kent street
Barton Miss, establishment for young ladies, 2, Marlborough row
Bascomb John, plumber, painter and glazier, 29, Kent street
Batchellor William, wholesale confectioner, 7, Queen street
Battman Thomas, family chemist, 3, Camden alley
Beacham William, beer retailer, 32, Marlborough row
Beattie Mrs. Henrietta, ladies seminary, 44, Hanover street
Bechervaise Edward Price, warrant officer, R.N., 10, Cumberland street
Bechervaise John, agent for the Standard Life Assurance Co., 30, Cumberland street
Beck George Maurice, auctioneer, valuer, land and estate agent, agent for the
Guardian Fire and Life insurance office, 9,Queen street
BELDHAM and SON, wholesale and retail cabinet manufacturers, upholsterers, and carpet warehousemen, 158, 159 and 160, Queen street, (see advt.)
Bell Edward T., Esplanade house academy, 18, Lion terrace
Bell Fredk., lodgings, 54, St. Georges square
Bell Thomas, beer retailer, 34, North at.. 411. Bell Thomas Edward, professor of music, Britain street
Bennett Joseph, Bear and Staff, 28, North street
Besant Albert, solicitor, clerk to the Portsea Burial Board, solicitor to the Portsea Island Building Society, and solicitor to the Southern Counties Provident Society and to the South of England Insurance society, office 19, Union at., p.r., 5, Outram villas, Havelock park, Southsea
Besant William wine and. spirit merchant, agent for the West of England insurance office, 11, Union street
Biden Lewis, surveyor, 6, Ordnance row
Bignell Charles, baker and grocer, 29, St. James street
Bigot William, photographer & tobacconist 11, Butcher street
Binmore Thomas, Three Pots tavern, Wickham street
Bird William and Henry, millinery warehouse, 27, Queen street
Black Charles, Sheer Hulk Tavern, 19, The Hard
Blackah Alexander, scripture reader to seamen, 68, St. Georges square
Blackman Stephen, beer retailer, 34, Butcher street
Blake Joseph S., linen and woollen draper, and silk mercer, 117 & 118, Queen street
Blake Robert, carpenter, 5, St. James street
Blanchett Charles, fruiterer & greengrocer, 108, Queen street
Blanchett Mrs. Jane, confectioner, 11, Camden alley
Blessley Wm., collector of poor rates, agent for the Royal Fire and Life office, 26, Britain street
Blundell George E. assistant draughtsman, H.M. dockyard, 44, Hanover street
Blyth John, Ship & Castle tavern, Halfmoon street
Blyth Mrs. Mary, lodging house, 4, Britain street
Body J. Pile, lodging house, 67, North street
Bolitho Henry Walter, jeweller, gold and silversmith, & watchmaker, 30, Queen street
Bolt Charles mariner, 11, North street
BONE MR., Commercial academy, King street
Bone John, brewer, Gloucester brewery, Gloucester street
Bone Wm., inspector of police, 52, Bishop street
Boots & Gardeners, railway booking office at Queens Head tavern, 7, The Hard, and at Swan street, Landport
Borrowes Walter, navy agent, 15, Ordnance row
Bovey Samuel, grocer and bake; 24, Marlborough row
Bowyer John, bootseller, (second-hand,) 43, St. James street
Bowyer Richard, tobacconist, 18, Queen street
Boyce John H., shirt manufacturer, 62, Hanover street
Boyd John, travelling draper, 22, Lion terrace
BRAMBLE BROTHERS, government contractors, builders, &c., Portland street
Brewer George, Catherine Brewery Tap, 13, Daniel street
Bricknell Jas., dairyman, 40, Unicorn street
Bricknell T., shopkeeper, 33, Havant street
Brightiff The Misses, milliners, 56, Queen street
Broadhead Mrs. Marianne, muffin and crumpet baker, 25, St. James street
Brooks William, shopkeeper, Pucls lane,
Broomfield Albert, master of Portsea National school, 8, Bonfire corner
Brown George, beer retailer & greengrocer, 42 and 43, Kent street
Brown Henry, butcher, 41, Hanover street
Brown James, beer retailer, 11, Ordnance row
Brown James, general dealer, 9, Clock street
Brown Mrs., lodging-house, 63, North street
Brown John James, plumber, painter, and glazier, 10, College street
Brumage Abraham, foreman of shipwrights, H.M. dockyard, 56, St.. Georges square
Bryant Alfred, mathematical & commercial academy, Bay street
Bryant, Henry Charles, landscape & figure painter, 5, Hanover street
Bryant Henry James, decorative painter and artists repository, 12, Hanover street
Bryant William, steward, R.N., 54, St. Georges square
Bubb Miss Ann, Berlin wool repository, 49, Hanover street
Bubb Benjamin, agent to the Liverpool & London Fire and Life insurance office, 49, Hanover street
Buckett George Wm., tailor, 40, St. James street
Buckler C., Sheriffs Arms, 46, Kent street
Buckler Charles, wood seller, 21, Kent street
Budden Joseph, tin plate worker, 59, Kent street
Buist Wm., travelling draper, 9, Kent street
Bull William, shopkeeper, 46, Havant street
Bunt Mrs. Sarah, grocer and provision dealer, Cumberland street, and Havant street
BURGE HENRY, sugar confectioner, 31, College street
Burt Thomas, wholesale furnishing ironmonger, agent for the Phoenix Fire and Pelican Life offices, 102 & 103, Queen street
Burton Henry, shoemaker, Frederick street
Butler Jas., Duke of Clarence, 110, Queen street
Butler William, beer retailer, 8, York place
Burris Mrs. Mary, lodging house keeper, 19, Lion terrace
Byerley Isaac, baker, and army contractor, 10, Kent street, p. r., Kingston
Byerley John Alfred, manager of Grants and Co.'s branch bank, agent for the Phoenix Fire and Economic insurance offices, 124, Queen street

And Last updated on: Wednesday, 02-Oct-2024 13:56:14 BST