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Portsmouth pubs history index - Portsmouth 1855 index
Cain Patrick, shopkeeper, 16, Cross street Calcott Albert, engraver, lithographer and printer 30, Hanover street Cameron Thomas, Earl St. Vincent, 81, The Hard Cane James, tailor, 35, Frederick street Carliell Thomas, umbrella and parasol manufacturer, 7, Union street Carnon. Alexander, stay manufacturer, 58, Hanover street Carnon Mrs. Louisa, milliner and straw bonnet maker, 28, St. James street Carpenter John, fruiterer and greengrocer, 2, Camden alley Carter & Row, surgeons, 24, St. Georges square Caselick John, beer retailer, 50, St. James street Cavander Samuel & Co., tobacco, snuff, & cigar manufacturer, 12, Queen street & at High street, Portsmouth, & Whitechapel, London Chalcraft Henry, The Coal Exchange, 65, 65, Cross street Chalk John, beer retailer, 25, Frederick street Chamberlain Mrs. Jane, sugar confectioner, 32, St. James street Chambers William Grant, shipping and retail grocer, and provision merchant, 4, and 5, The Hard, and at 83, High street, Portsmouth Chapman James, beer retailer, &c., 34, St. James street Chapman William, jeweller, gold, & silversmith, optician, and watch and clock maker, 46, Queen street Charpentier Thaddeus, hat and cap maker, 47, Union street Cheesman John Joseph, lodging house, 69, St. Georges square Chidell Brothers, wholesale grocers and provision merchants, 42, St. Georges square Chiverton William, greengrocer, 4, St. James street Clack William, grocer, &c., 27, Havant street Clark Mrs. Mary Ann, dressmaker, 50, Union street Clarke Charles, Bricklayers Arms, 17, St. James street Clarke Edwin, Mitre tavern, Butcher street and Kent street Clarke George, Reppels Head and Pier hotel, 24 & 25, The Hard Claughton. Miss Sarah, lodging-house keeper, 52, Prince George street Clay C. & L., the Misses, agents and teachers for Wheeler & Wilsons patent lock-stitch sewing machine, 134, Queen street Clay Geo., agent for the Clerical, Medical, and General Life Assurance Company, 134, Queen street Clay John, brush and whiting manufacturer, 1 & 2, Richmond place Cleod John, greengrocer, 9, Cross street Clies C., tobacconist, 12, Camden alley CLUE GEORGE MAY, family chemist and agents for Bakers uncoloured tea, 15,Butcher street Cocks John, shoemaker, 50, Kent street Coghlan John, Hand in Hand, 15, St. Georges square Cole Alfred Joseph, beer retailer, 22, York place Cole Charles Peter, lodgings, 10, King street Cole Henry; shopkeeper, 52, St. James street Cole James, plumber, glazier, and painter, 16,Bonfire corner Coles C., Red Lion inn, Havant street Colbourne George Kervell, livery stable keeper, St. Georges mews, Ordnance row Colebrook William, butcher, 27, Kent street Collier James, Norfolk Arms, 144, Queen street Collingwood Mrs. Elizabeth, lodging-house, 9, Bishop street. Collins Edmund, fishmonger, 63, Cross street Collins Joseph, tailor and draper, 82, Queen street Collins Mrs., lodgings, 5, King street Coltherup Henry, clothier, 18, College street Compton Mrs. Jane, beer retailer, 28, Marlborough row Cook Francis Goude, Berlin Wool and stationery warehouse, 24, Queen street Copestake, Moore, Crampton & Co., lace and muslin manufacturers, St. Georges Hall, and 5, Bow churchyard, London Cotten John Robt., pawnbroker 15, Daniel street Cousins 3. Ward, physician, Lion terrace Cousins Thomas, solicitor, commissioner to administer oaths in all common law courts, 5, Union street Cove Mrs. Jane, Pelican tavern, 41, St. Georges square Cowd John, pork butcher, 52, North street Cowper James, travelling draper, 36, Union street Cox George, clothes and general dealer, 10,Havant street Cox Henry George, general dealer, 10, Clock street Cox Joseph, beer retailer, 36, North street Craig Robert, draper, 16, Prince Georges street Crampton John Thomas, coal merchant, 23, Britain street Craven Mrs. Amelia, beer retailer, 5, Marlborough row Cripps Thomas, fruiterer, 189, Queen street Croad John, builder, joiner, & undertaker, 41, Union street Crockwell George, beer retailer, Lennox row Cropp Charles, tailor & draper, 29, Hanover street Cunddemore William & Henry, drapers and general outfitters, 3, Butcher street Culley Robert, tailor, 58, North street Culling-ford Thomas Frederick, chemist & dentist, 21, Butcher street, and Spring lawn, George road, Southsea Cunningham George, family grocer and provision merchant, 181, Queen street Cunningham Mrs. S. K., Anglesey furnishing warehouse, 8 & 9, Queen street, and St. James street Curtis Henry, beer retailer, Cumberland street Curtis Thomas, steward H.M.S. Enchantress, 20, Union street Cutler Thos., warrant officer H.M.S. Asia, 7, Chapel row Dale Wm. James, pharmaceutical chemist, &c., 65, Queen street Dance William, wholesale furnishing ironmonger and cutler, agent to the Gutta Percha Company, 14 & 15, Queen street Dangerfield Richard, beer retailer, Kent street David Charles, Three Crowns inn, 16, St. James street Davidge John J., The Bedford and Chase, 14, the Hard Davis Mrs. Jane, milliner and dressmaker, and register office for servants, 11, Hanover street Davis Mrs. Sarah, clothier and general dealer, 34, Havant street Daycock & Bird, cork manufacturers and merchants, 20, Hanover street Dean -, Kings Head tavern, Cross street Dick Robert & James, gutta percha boot and shoe manufacturers, 176, Queen st. ; 296, Holborn, and 132, High street, Whitechapel, London Dickson David, travelling draper, 8, Union street Digby Mrs. Sarah, steam dyeing establishment, hot presser, &c., 97, Queen street, and at 24, Chapel row DILLON LINN, builder and general contractor, The Portsmouth Building Works, 1, St. Marys street Dodman Joseph, boot and shoemaker, 162 and 163, Queen street, and 1, Middle East street, Southampton Dole. Joseph, greengrocer, coal and wood seller, 32, Cross street Doraison Mrs., teacher of pianoforte and singing, 77, St. Georges square Dorey George, Old Royal Oak, College street Dorrell David, shopkeeper, 32, Havant street Dorrington Charles Henry, wholesale tea. and provision merchant, 8 & 1I, Great George square ; p. r., 4, Lion terrace Douglas Edward, beer retailer, 29, Cross street Douthwaite William, warrant officer, 16, Cumberland street Dowles Miss Mercy, ladies school, 49, Bishop street Downton George, km., furniture broker, 33, Hanover street Driscoll Dennis, shopkeeper, 30, Union street Dugan James, carpenter and joiner, Daniel street - p.r., Grigg street, Southsea Dunn Archibald, travelling draper, 62, Union street Dyer James S., cutler, truss, and surgical instrument maker, 9, Ordnance row Earwicker Robert Charles, engraver and lithographer, 4, Butcher street Eason Richard Comley, Union tavern, 254 Union street East Edward, beer retailer, 34, Hanover street Eaton Mrs. George, establishment for young ladies, 60, Cross street Ede George William, drapery & millinery warehouse, 140. Queen street Edgcombe and Cole, solicitors, 6, North street EDMONDS & HATCH, accountants auditors, and valuers agents for the County Fire the Provident Life, and the Accidental Death Insurance Offices, 34, Queen street and at 1, Aylward street, Edwards Charles, Anglesea Arms, 180, Queen street Edwards John, navy agent, 20, the Hard Edwards William, beer retailer, 1, North street Electric and International Telegraph Company's office, 12i, the Hard; Henry Hardy, clerk in charge Ellis Mrs. Elizabeth, lodging house, 49, St. Georges square Ellis John, boot and shoe maker, 111, Queen street Ellis Joseph, greengrocer, 55, North street EMANUEL E. & E., bullion merchants, goldsmiths, jewellers, and silversmiths to the Queen, watch and clock makers and opticians, 3, the Hard. N.B.- This house, (established 1814) is unconnected with any other of the same name Emanuel Henry M., silversmith, jeweller, and pawnbroker, 12, Ordnance row Emanuel Judah, general dealer, 15, Bishop street EMERY EDWARD, boot maker, 12, College street Emery E., grocer and provision merchant, 9, 10, 47, & 49, St. James street Emery William, bookseller, stationer, and newsagent, 74, Queen street |