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PORTSEA 1865 Harrods Directory - Traders F - H

Portsmouth pubs history index - Portsmouth 1855 index


Fancey Mrs. James, dressmaker, 46, Bishop street
Feltham Charles, hat manufacturer, 120, Queen street
Felthain Thomas P., family grocer and provision merchant, 133, Queen street
Field John, linen draper, silk mercer, hosier, &c., 157, Queen street
Fincham Albert, wholesale and retail grocer, tea and spice merchant, 119, Queen street, and 155, Charing Cross, London
Fishley William Henry, tea, coffee, and spice merchant, 115, Queen street
Fletcher Miss Anne, ladies seminary, 11, St. Georges square
Fletcher and Miller, ironmongers, Birmingham, Sheffield, and Staffordshire warehousemen, china and glass dealers and wholesale stationers, 37, Butcher street, 31, Queen street, and 3, St. Georges square
Fletcher -, beer retailer, 1, York place
FLOWERS MRS. MARY, grocer, 51, Havant street
Fogwell Richard, boot and shoe manufacturer, 16, the Hard
Forbes Mrs. Mary, steam dyer and hotpresser, 59, Hanover street
Ford H. and R. W., solicitors, 170, Queen street, & 31, St. Thomas street, Portsmouth
Ford Henry, solicitor, perpetual commissioner, and commissioner to administer oaths in Chancery, secretary to the Portsea Pier Company
Ford Richard William, solicitor, commissioner to administer oaths in Chancery, and taking affidavits in the Irish courts, perpetual commissioner, secretary to the port of Portsmouth and Ryde Steam Packet Company and Borough of Portsmouth Waterworks Company
Ford William, tailor and outfitter, 179, Queen street
Forester Mrs. Ann, lodging house, 39, King street
Forsyth William, linen draper, 48, St. James street
Forsyth William Benjamin, travelling draper, 35, Union street
Foster Mrs. William, outfitter, 174, Queen street
Foster William, Red Lion tavern, Havant street
Franklin John, hairdresser and tobacconist, 3, Hanover street
Fraser James, dining rooms, 6, Hanover street
Freeman William, watch and clock maker, 147, Queen street
Friedeberg Jacob, naval, military, ma general outfitter, 81, Queen street
Friedeberg Mark, clothes dealer, 27, Butcher street
Friedeberg Morris, clothier, 9, College street
Frobwein Jacob Otto, outfitter, 26, College street
Fry Alfred, lodgings, 59, St. Georges square
Fulker John Robert, picture frame maker, 34, Prince Georges street
Pune11 Robert, shopkeeper, 38, Prince Georges street
Galton William, bricklayer, 29, Cross street
Gamblen James, shopkeeper, 17, Union street.
Gamblen Mrs. Elizabeth, beer retailer, 38, St. Georges square
Game George, jeweller, silversmith, and watch and clock maker, 13, Camden alley
Gardner John and James, booksellers, stationers, printers, binders to the army, and general newsagents, 186, Queen street
Garnett John, beer retailer, Puds lane
Garrington & Son, surgeons, 21, St. Georges square
Gauntlett Henry F., architect and surveyor, cabinet and paper hanging warehouse and auction mart, 123, Queen street, and at 417, and 419, Commercial road, Landport
Gauntlett James, baker and shopkeeper, 15, Unicorn street
Ceary Joseph, greengrocer, 89, Frederick street
George William, solicitor, clerk to the trustees of Sheet bridge and Portsmouth turnpike road, agent to the Sun Fire and, Life Insurance Office, 40, Union street.
Gillhespy John, beer retailer, 15, Bonfire corner
Gillies John Forbes, refreshment house,. 58, Queen street
Gittens J. A. & Co., wholesale wine and. spirit merchants and importers, 12, the Hard
Goble Henry, beer retailer, 2, Chapel row
Goddard Charles, shopkeeper, 17 Hanover street
Godwin William, butcher, 5, Butcher street
Goldsmith Joseph, clothier, &c., 6, College street
Good Edmund, beer retailer, 54, Kent street
Goodfellow John, umbrella and parasol maker, 18, Ordnance row
Gormully James, inspector of timber, H.M. Dockyard, Prince Georges street
Grant, Gillman, & Long, bankers (branch), 124, Queen street ; draw on Glyn, Mills, & Co., Lombard street ; John A.Byerley, Esq., manager
Greetham James, surgeon, 66, King street
Gregory George, plumber, painter, and lazier, 31, Union street
Gregory James, tailor, 59, Union street
GRIFFIN JAMES, publisher, book seller, stationer, &c., to H.R.H. Prince Alfred, agent to the Hants, Sussex, and Dorset Fire Office and the Gresham Life Assurance Office, 2, the Hard
Griffiths Thomas, Kings Arms, 22, King street
Griffin William, grocer and baker, 36, Hanover street
Grimes George, bird fancier, 36, St. James street
Grossmith Samuel, whitesmith, locksmith, bellhanger, gasfitter, and brazier, Daniel street ; p.r. 26, Union street
Grover and *oodward, wholesale grocers and provision merchants, 34, Queen street and Aylward street
Grubb Edward, Navy and Friends, Havant street
Grubb James, beer retailer, 41, Cross street
Grubb James, beer retailer, Unicorn street
Grubb Thomas, Two Shipwrights, Queen street
Grubb William, White Hart tavern, 27, the Hard
Gudge Miss Eliza, lodging house keeper, 14, Chapel row
Guy Henry, superintendent of metropolitan police, Portsmouth dockyard
Hackman James, beer retailer, 11, Kent street
Haiges - Jonathan, hair cutter, 19, North street
Haigs Joseph, gun maker, 22, St. James street
Hale Francis, staff commander, R.N., 1, Queen street
Halls Thomas, embroidery warehouse, 13, Hanover street
Hammond John, carpenter and joiner, 11, Daniel street, and Oyster street, Portsmouth
Hammond Timothy Chas., jeweller, silversmith, watch and clock maker, 138, Queen street
Hampshire Advertiser (branch office) 91, Queen street ; head office, 28, High street, Southampton ; Robert Balfour King, publisher
Hannam and Powell, grocers and tea merchants 26, Queen street
Hansford Miss Lydia, embroidery warehouse, 8, Hanover street
Hanson George Henry, chemist, 3, Daniel street
Harding Mrs. Charlotte, pawnbroker, 36, Butcher street
Harding George, bricklayer, 42, North street
Harding Joseph, Government pilot, 14, North street
Harding William, bricklayer, 59, North street
Hare Mrs. William, teacher of the pianoforte and singing, 16, Union street
Harris Henry, beer retailer, 7, College street
Harris Jesse, photographer and toy dealer, 83, Queen street
Harris Newman, clothes dealer, 30, St. James street
Harris Thomas, sub-contractor, 67, Havant street
Hart Solomon, clothier and general dealer, 8, College street
Harvey Edwin John, solicitor, deputy coroner for the county of Hants, agent for the Royal Fire and Life Insurance Company, 27, Union street
Harvey Mrs. Mary Ann, shopkeeper, 24, Kent street
Haslehurst John, woollen draper, 69, Queen street
Haver George, painter, 50, Cross street
Hawes Miss Mary, shopkeeper, 4, North street
Hawkins Charles, beer retailer, 3, North street
Hawkins Charles, stitching machine warehouse, 34, North street
Hawkins Charles, shopkeeper, 14, Daniel street
Hawton James, tailor, 33, Bishop street
Hayden Thomas C., wholesale and furnishing ironmonger and bar iron merchant, agent for Whitfields fire proof safes and. boxes, 109 and 113, Queen street
Hayward Robt., Leopard tavern, 9, Butcher street
Heastie George, travelling draper, 38, St. James street
Heather Mrs. Harriett, beer retailer, 2, Clock street
Hedger James, muffin and crumpet baker, 58, Kent street
Heinemann William, clothier and general dealer, 15, College street
Helby and Son, manufacturers of stays, petticoats, &c., Kent street
Helby Mrs. Jane, stay and corset maker, 35, Queen street
HELLYER WILLIAM, baker & grocer, 68, North street, and corner of King street
Henby Charles William, tailor & outfitter, 47, St. James street
Herbert Henry Richard, shipwright, Her Majesty's dockyard, 15, Prince Georges street
Hester Thomas, greengrocer, 10, Havant street
Hewett William Henry, working jeweller and optician, 89, Queen street
next Mrs. Ellen, shopkeeper, &c., 14, College street
Hibbs Edward, lodgings, 26, King street
Hicks Miss Augusta, preparatory school for young gentlemen, 61, Hanover street
Highman, John, greengrocer 4, Daniel street
Hill Charles, pork butcher, 16, Queen street
Hill George, fruiterer and greengrocer, 16, Butcher street
Hill Mrs. Rachel, lodging house, 59, Prince Georges street
Hind George, linen draper, 18, Hanover street
Hinton Thomas, publisher and proprietor of the Portsmouth Guardian newspaper, and general printer, 80, Queen street
Hoar Miss Harriet, seminary, 65, Union street
Hoare John Edward, dispensing chemist and druggist, 172, Queen street
Hoare James, upholsterer, cabinet manufacturer, and bedding warehouse, 186 & 6, Queen street
Hoare Mrs. Mary Ann, corn factor, 13, Queen street
Hogg Samuel, assistant overseer for the parish of Portsea; p.r., 2, Durham street, Southsea
Hogstlesh John, greengrocer, 6, Union street
Holbrook Richard & Son, publishers and proprietors of the Portsmouth Times & Naval Gazette, general printers, agents for the Western Life and Fire, and the Queens Fire Insurance offices, 154, Queen street
Holbrook E. G. (firm of Holbrook & Son), Portsmouth Times office, 154, Queen street
Holbrook R. (firm of Holbrook R. & Son), p. r., 2, Elm grove, Southsea
Holding W., butcher, 51, St. James street
Holland William, beer retailer, 8, St. James street
Holland Emil, watchmaker, 60, Union street
Hollis John Edward, leading hand joiner H.M. dockyard, 10, King street
Horner C., Mitre tavern, corner of Kent street and Butcher street
Holmes John, Three Guns tavern, St. Georges square
Hook Mrs., lodgings, 9, King street
Horsey James, druggist, 160, Queen street
Horsey Samuel, printer, stationer, book & music seller, and fancy repository, 151, Queen street
Horton Mrs. Maria, milliner and straw bonnet maker, 37, Union street
Houghton. and Son, architects, surveyors, and civil engineers, 11, Union street
Howell Thomas, pawnbroker, 17, Bishop street
Hudson Henry, wholesale and retail china, and glass warehouse, and depot for Nortons china, 68, Queen street
Hughes Henry, Birmingham, Sheffield, and Staffordshire warehouseman, 23, Queen street ; p.r., St. James street
Hughes Henry, general dealer, 53, St. James street
Hughes William, greengrocer, 62, North street
Humby William, jun., boot and shoe manufacturer & shoe mercer, 42, Queen street ; and 1 & 2, Bishop street
Hummel Joseph and Co., watch and block makers and jewellers, 99, Queen street
Humphrey Nathaniel Jas., lodging house, 38, King street
HUNT THOMAS & WILLIAM, bakers and grocers, 18, Daniel street, and Catharine row
Husband -, toy dealer, 36, St. James street
Hyde Frederick, baker and shopkeeper, 1, Brunswick row
Hyams Wolfe, auctioneer, 35, Butcher street

And Last updated on: Wednesday, 02-Oct-2024 13:56:14 BST