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Portsmouth pubs history index - Portsmouth 1855 index
Jacobs Charles Frederick, dealer in musical instruments, 34, College
street Jacobs Jacob and Son, linen and woollen drapers and carpet warehousemen, 32 & 33, Queen street JAMES FREDERICK, boot maker, College street Jeans John, R.N., naval instructor, 27, St. Georges square Jefferys Miss A., Berlin wool repository, 53, Hanover street Jefferies William H., tailor and woollen draper, 14, Butcher street Jenkins John R., Blue Lion tavern, 394 Queen street Jenman Richard, lodging house, 17, Cumberland street Jennings Albert J., draper, 13, butcher street Jennings Edward, general dealer, 56, Havant street Jennings George, baker, 1, Little Britain street Jeram John, agent to the British Prudential Assurance Company, 9, Unicorn street Jeram Joseph G., The George, Queen at Jewell & Co., brewers, Catharine brewery, Catharine row Jewell Dormer (firm of Jewell and Co.), 6, Chapel row Jewell Edward (firm of Jewell and Co.), 8, Chapel row Johnson James, cooper, 33, College street Johnson Miss Mary Ann, beer retailer, 54, North street Johnson Robert, wine and spirit merchant, and agent for Guinness stout, 60, Queen street Johnson Stephen, Old Star, 4, Wickham street Johnson William Charles, tailor and cap maker, 40, St. James street Johnston Andrew, travelling draper, 10, Union street Jolly William, travelling draper, 36, Union street Jones James, new and second hand bookseller, printer, and stationer, &c., 116, Queen street Jones John, Government pilot, 9, Britain street Jones John, venetian blind maker & picture frame maker, Catharine row Jones Thomas, Elephant and Castle, St. Georges square JOSEPH H. & CO., naval and military tailors clothiers, hatters, hosiers, and general outfitters, Hall of Commerce, 92 and 93, Queen street Joseph Harry, consul for Monte Video and Uruguay, office, 93, Queen street Joseph Mrs. Frances, shirt manufacturer, 38, Bishop street Joseph Isaac 4k Sons, wholesale jewellers, 1, Ordnance row Judd Albert Mew, wine & spirit merchant, White Hart tavern, Queen street Jurd Mrs. Rachel, trunk and box maker, 77, North street Kain Henry, patent medicine vendor, 64, St. Georges square KEMP GEORGE LYNCH, hat manufacturer and naval and military cap maker, 135, Queen street Kemp Henry, sub-bailiff of the County court, 53, Union street Kent William John, navy agent, 5, Lion terrace Kent William L., butcher, 57, Queen street Kerswell George bill discounter, & music warehouse, 7, Hanover street KERWOOD SAMUEL, lead and glass merchant, plumber, glazier, painter, Sze., 32, College street Kilpin Joseph George, watchmaker and jeweller, 33, The Hard King and King (late Marvin and King), valuers, auctioneers, surveyors, land and property agents, 148, Queen street, and 42,High street, Gosport King Andrew, brass founder and gasfittter, 30, Butcher street KING GEORGE, pork butcher, Marmion road KING JAMES, builder and contractor, 43,Hanover street King Joseph William, builder, 11, Britain street King William, Ship and Castle tavern, I, The Hard Knight George, beer retailer, Cumberland street Knight James, lodgings, 58, St. Georges square Lake Edward, boot and shoemaker, 33, St. James street Lakeman Stephen, basket maker, 2, Hanover street Lambe John, beer retailer, 30, York place Lampard George, brewer and beer retailer, 20, Prince Georges street Lampard Stephen, plumber, gasfitter, and decorator, 42, St. James street Lancaster dames, tailor and woollen draper and naval outfitter, Half Moon street LANCASTER JAMES, superintendent of agents for the Reliance Mutual Life Assurance, inspector to Property and Protection, agent for the Royal Fire; National Provincial Plate Glass, and Accidental Death Insurance office, 2, St. Georges square LANE EDWIN, beer retailer, 5, Wickham street ; and tailor, 12, Britain street Lane James, tailor and outfitter, 5 and 10, Camden alley, and at 116, Commercial road, Landport Law David, The Lamb, Union street Law George William (firm of Law and Ireland), admiralty auctioneer, valuer, and estate agent, 3, Queen street Lawrence Frederick, patent mangle maker,. 3, Kent street Layton Charles Gregory, beer retailer, 7, Kent street Leader George William, Military Arms, tavern, Lennox row Lear John, shopkeeper, 14, Bonfire corner Lee John, warrant officer, R.N., 20, King street Lee Robert, shopkeeper, 37, Havant street Legg William, Half ikon tavern, Sum street Lester George, tobacconist, 29, College street Levett Edward, pork butcher, bacon factor, and poulterer, 128, Queen street Lewin William, boot maker, 8, Cross street Lewis & Co., railway and general carriers, 25, Ordnance row, and at Palmerston road, Southsea Lineham Edwin, ornamental painter, glazier, &c., 19, Hanover street Lineham James, lodgings, 7, King street Little John, draper, 34, Prince Georges. street Lock John, beer retailer, 16, Havant street Loney G., loan and discount office, 64, Cumberland street ; p.r., Lake road, Landport Long Ann, cab proprietor, 21, St. James street Long Daniel Shawyer, marine store dealer, 39, Kent street Long James, Heart in Hand, 71, Union street Long John, beer retailer, 6, Prince Georges street Long Henry I., Kings Arms tavern, Queen street Long Mrs. W., beer retailer, Marlborough row Long Samuel Searley, solicitor, 14, Prince Georges street Longyear George, painter and glazier, 16, St. James street Lonnon George, beer house, 2, Bonfire corner Lonnon Mrs. W., staymaker, 26, Hanover street Moveder Charles, bookseller, 61, Union street Loveder Jas., goldsmith, jeweller, diamond merchant, & dealer in oriental curiosities, 28 and 29, The Hard Low Archibald and Son, solicitors, commissioners to administer oaths in common law courts, solicitors to the borough of Portsmouth Building Society, agents for the Alliance Fire and. Life, and the Universal Mercantile Association, office, 16, St. Georges square Luff William, Nags Head tavern, 21, The Hard LULHATil SIDNEY FRANK & CO., wholesale and retail boot & shoe manufacturers 130, Queen street Lumley Thomas, clothier, 20, College street Lumley William, general dealer, 16, College street Lush Charles, cooper, Catharine row ; p.r., Britain street Lush Mrs. Jane, furniture broker, 3 and 4, St. James street Lush Joseph, brewer and maltster, St. Georges brewery Lush Samuel, upholsterer, 188, Queen street Lynch James, shopkeeper, 13, Kent street Lytton James, beer retailer, 22, Butcher street McDonald John, beer retailer, 30, College street McKenzie -, beer retailer, Smiths lane McLeod George, beer retailer, 40, Havant street Mali Augustus, professor of music, 58, Prince Georges street Manchester William, boot and shoemaker, 31, North street Mansbridge Henry; brewer & beer retailer, 364, Bonfire corner Marcer Mrs. Mary Ann, ladies school, 43, Union street Marks Mrs. Alice Teresa Levi, shirt maker, 70, Union street Marks Charles, hairdresser, 1, Cross street Marks William, beer retailer, Smiths lane Marrant Francis Robert, academy, St. Georges square Marrington Mrs. Eliza, beer retailer, 20, Butcher street Marsh James, eating-house keeper, 35, North street Marsh William, grocer & provision dealer, &c., 3 and 4, Clock street Marshall Mrs. Elizabeth, beer retailer, 22, North street Marshall John Hitchings, officer, R.N., 46, Prince Georges street Marshall and Son, solicitors, 66, Hanover street Marshall William Orange, solicitor, commissioner to administer oaths in Chancery and common law courts, perpetual commissioner, clerk to the Portsea Paving Commissioners, and treasurer to the Corporation and Portsmouth, 66, Hanover street Martell David, shopkeeper, 27, North street Martell George John, solicitor, 10, Ordnance row Martin Miss Louisa, lodgings, 50, St. Georges square Marvin Edwin Orlando, navy and army upholsterer, cabinet manufacturer, and furnishing ironmonger, Camden alley and Havant street Matthews Edward, The Row Barge tavern, 30, The Hard Matthews Henry, naval and military outfitter, 66, Queen street Matthews William, china and earthenware dealer, 11, Queen street Maxted Henry, hairdresser and perfumer, 14, Hanover street Maynard William, commission agent, agent for the Albert Life and the Manchester Fire Insurance office, secretary to the Landport and Southsea Permanent Building Society, 46, Hanover street Medus William, linen and woollen draper, 175, Queen street Mervin Henry, beer retailer & tobacconist, 46, North street Mew Frederick, inspector of borough police, 52, Kiag street Miall Brothers, glass and lead merchants, plumbers, glaziers, painters, &c., North street Millard Mrs. Jane, toy dealer, 10, Hanover street Miles Alfred, Eagle tavern, 1, St. Georges square Miles Edmund, butcher, 24, Butcher street Miller Mrs., milliner, Cumberland street Millman Samuel, tailor, 16, Ordnance row Mills Arthur, shopkeeper, 34, Kent street Mills Frank Ward, butcher, Cross street Mitchell Alfred J., photographer, 1083, Queen street Mitchell John Thomas, Royal Engineers tavern, Kent street MITCHELL JOSEPH, railway & general carrier 36, Lion terrace Mitchell Mrs. Mary Ann, lodging house keeper, 3, Ordnance row Mitch611 Thomas, lodging house, 63, King street Moody William, shopkeeper, 11, College street Moore Mrs. Jane, shopkeeper, 20, Britain street Moore Stephen, tide master, R.N., 14, St. Georges square Moralee John M., fishmonger, 17, Butcher street Morey Joseph, shopkeeper & beer retailer, 27, St. James street Morgan George Thomas, china and glass warehouse, 14, Camden alley Morgan William, London Stout House, 20, Queen street Morley Winham, grocer, 6, Butcher street Morris George and Edwin curriers and leather merchants, 169, Queen _street, and 65, High street, Gosport Morse Blaxill, beer retailer, 13, Britain street Mortimore William, The Bell, 63, Queen street . Morten James, travelling draper, 32, St. Georges square MOSES A. & L., goldsmiths, jewellers, watch manufacturers, and opticians by appointment to the Admiralty, and navy agents, 26, The Hard Moss Benjamin Wolf, navy agent and outfitter, 1, Clock street Moss David, surgical machinist, 28, Hanover street Mott Mrs. Susan, milliner and dressmaker 43, St. Georges square Munday James, lodging house, 40, King street Mupell Mrs. Mary, Fighting Cocks, 76, Queen street |