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Portsmouth pubs history index - Portsmouth 1855 index
Nance Frederick H., agent to the Norwich Equitable Fire Insurance
office, 14 Union street Nathan Henry, general dealer, 35 College street Nathan Mrs. Kate, china, glass, and hardware warehouse, 121 Queen street Nathan Lewis, clothier and general dealer, 23 and 24 College street Nathan Samuel, general dealer, 27 College street National Provincial Bank of England England (branch of), The Hard. Draw on London Joint Stock Branch Bank ;L William Payne Esq., manager Newland Richard, gilder, looking glass & picture frame manufacturer, and print seller, &c., 68 Hanover street Newman Mrs. Eliza, general dealer, 36 College street Newnham John, tailor, 44 Bishop street Nichols Mrs. Ann, laundress, 45 Bishop street Ninnis Mrs. Mary Ann, beer retailer, Unicorn street Nobes John, shopkeeper, 36 Marlborough Row NOR MAN HARRY ADOLPHUS, trunk, portmanteau, and window blind manufacturer, 3 Half Moon street, and 36 High street, Portsmouth Norris Eliza, lodgings, 52 St. Georges square Norton James R., beer retailer, 52 Hanover street Nott Andrew, inspector of shipwrights Her Majesty's dockyard, 16 St. Georges street Ockenden William Henry, pawnbroker, 28 Kent street Oldfield Charles, tailor and draper, 13 Bonfire corner Oldfield Richard, Leather Bottle tavern, 13 Prince Georges street OLeary Timothy, beer retailer, 26 Ordnance row Oliver John Henry, resident clerk at gas office, 47 St. Georges square O'Neill John, canteen keeper, Anglesea barracks Orange John, dispensing chemist, 153 Queen street Osmond Robert, naval and military outfitter, 136 and 137 Queen street Osborn John, shopkeeper, 20 Frederick street Owen Mrs. Rebecca, milliner and dressmaker, 68 Union street Paddington Alfred, shopkeeper, 25 Bishop street Padwick William, shopkeeper, 13 Havant street Pannell Henry, Watermans Arms, 13 The Hard Parks Mrs. Ann, beer retailer, 5 Daniel street Parks William James, carver, gilder, and French polisher, and picture frame maker, 64 Hanover street, & 1 Daniel street and dressmaker, Parkyn James, beer retailer, 19 Queen street Parlett Thomas, timber dealer, St. James street Parnell James, tobacconist, 95 Queen street Parnell John Cosens, solicitor, commissioner to administer oaths in Chancery and common law courts, commissioner for taking acknowledgments of deeds by married women, 41, Bishop street Papal George, The Vine, 13 Clock street PasseII George, Bulls Head tavern, 127 Queen street Payne Charles, grocer, 6 Daniel street Payne Henry, boot and shoemaker, 106, Queen street Payne William, manager of the National Provincial Bank of England (branch of), agent for the Norwich Union Fire and Life Association of Scotland, 6, The Hard Payne William, hairdresser and perfumer, 139 Queen street Pearce Mrs. Ann, baker and grocer, 18 Butcher street Pearce John, Dolphin tavern, 17 Ordnance row Pearce John, shoemaker, 20 St. James street Pearce William, solicitor, commissioner to administer oaths in Chancery and common law courts, agent for the County Fire and Provident Life office, 13, Union street ; p.r., The Old Priory, Fratton Pearsall William, Crown and Anchor, 21 Hanover street Pearson Charles Richard, bookbinder and stationer, 14 Ordnance row Penney John, linen and woollen draper, 126 Queen street Pennington Henry, Royal Oak Family and Commercial hotel, Queen street Penny Thomas, boot and shoe manufacturer, 50 Queen street and 2 Palmerston road, Southsea Perks Edward Rogers, surgeon, 67 St. Georges square Perkins Richard, beer retailer, 1 Brunswick street PERRIN GEORGE, The Garibaldi, and last and boot tree maker, 6 Kent street Pervin Mrs. Mary, shopkeeper, 43 Britain street Pervin Mrs. Mary, beer retailer, 10 St. Georges square PETERS GEORGE & CO., tobacco, snuff, cigar manufacturers, and merchants vinegar distillers, 155 Queen street, and Aylward street, Portsea, and wine and spirit merchants, 5, Wish street, Southsea Phillips Mrs. Charlotte, chemist, 1 Bonfire corner Phillips Thomas, butcher, 53 North street Pibworth John M., cabinet maker & French polisher, Daniel street Piggott Joseph, Three Cups, 23 Butcher street Pine Horatio, collector to the Portsea commissioners, & deputy registrar of births, deaths, and marriages for Portsea town distrist, 31 Hanover street Pinhorne John Jolliffe, hairdresser, 3 Union street Pleasant John, furniture broker, 31 St. James street Poole Joseph, tobacconist, Cumberland street Porter Mrs. Elizabeth, sugar confectioner, 20 Daniel street Porter John Loug, army and navy boot and shoe manufacturer, 184 Queen street Portsmouth Guardian, Isle of Wight Express, Gosport Chronicle, and Naval and Military Examiner, printed & published by the proprietor, Mr. Thomas Hinton, every Thursday, price 1d. Established 1847. Independent in politics. Office, 80 Queen street Portsmouth Times and Naval Gazette; printer, publisher, & proprietor, Richard Holbrook, 154 Queen street; issued every Saturday, price 21d. Portway Joseph, linen draper, hosier, haberdasher, &c., 43 Queen street Post office, 23, Hanover street ; Mr. Henry Silverlock, postmaster Potter James, beer retailer, 2 Daniel street Potter William, millinery and baby linen warehouse, 47 Queen street Potter William; ironmonger and tin-plate worker, 1 Daniel street Potts John, shopkeeper, 32 York place Pragnell Charles Reeves, lodging house, 70 North street Pratt George and Son, grocers, bakers, & confectioners, 75 Queen street Pratt John Friend, grocer and baker, Cross street Preston Stephen, painter, grainer, & paper hanger, 5 Queen street Price George, solicitor, commissioner to administer oaths in the Exchequer of Pleas and Common Pleas, office, 14, Union street ; p.r., Mile end, Landport Prichard John, upholsterer, 13 Hay street Prince Joseph, pianoforte manufacturer and tuner, 46 St. James street Prince T., boot and shoemaker, Queen street Prior Charles, watchmaker, 25 Hanover street Prior Mrs. Charles, furrier, 25 Hanover street Pritchett Thomas, Prince Georges Head, 18 Prince Georges street Privett Mrs. Susan, lodgings, 73 St. Georges square Provincial Bank Corporation (branch of), Queen street Purkis Charles Henry, butcher by appointment to the Royal Family, 70 and 71 Queen street Purkis Mark Anthony, French polisher, 12 Bishop street QUICK THOMAS WILLIAM, builder and grocer, 27 Cross street, & Marmion road Rae James, shipwright, H.M. dockyard, Prince Georges street Rake and Ranwell, architects & surveyors, agents to the Scottish Equitable Life assurance society, St. Georges square Ralphs Simon, Royal George, 4 Camden alley Randall Lewis, Victoria Music hall, North street Rands Wm., boot &shoe manufacturer, 48 Queen street RANNIE WILLIAM, engineer, iron and brass founder, millwright, &c., St. Georges foundry Rastrick Wm. Henry, pharmaceutical chemist and perfumer, 122 Queen street Rayner Samuel, grocer and clothier, 15 Clock street Redward James, fruiterer and fishmonger, 64 Queen street Redward Thomas, fruiterer & fishmonger, 100 Queen street Redward William Charles, surgeon dentist, 17 Lion terrace BEES HENRY, brazier & gas fitter, 65 Havant street Richards Charles Edward, plumber, glazier and painter, 6 Cross street Richards George, Royal Standard, & wine and spirit merchant, Queen street Richards Miss Harriet, shopkeeper, 21 Havant street Richards James, builder; 21i Havant street Richards John, fishmonger and poulterer, 38 Queen street Richards Thos., plumber, glazier, painter, &c., Havant street Richardson Charles & Co., tea merchants 62 Cross street Riddett George, Plough & Barleycorn, 35 St. Georges square Riddle Mrs. Mary Ann, lodging-house keeper, 20 Chapel row Rigden Mrs. Elizabeth, shopkeeper, 8 King street Ritchie John, travelling draper, 5 North street Robinson Jas., conveyancer, 2 Marlborough Row Robins James, beer retailer, 25 Kent street Rogers William G., Antelope Tavern, 42 Hanover street Rooms Henry, Queens Head Tavern, 7 The Hard Rowell Robert Henry, chemist, 25 Queen street Royal Naval and Engineers Club, Lion terrace, Thomas Truscott, Esq., R.N., treasurer Ryves John, wheelwright, 39 St. Georges square |