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Portsmouth pubs history index - Portsmouth 1855 index
Sailors Home, 77, Queen street Sangster John W., scale, weights, weighing machine & steel mill manufacturer, 87 Queen street Savage Joseph, eating house, 11 Clock street Scaddan Thos., lodging-house, 37 King street Scarrott George, naval clothier, 10 Clock street Scott Henry John, fruiterer & fishmonger, 79 Queen street Seagrove Edwin and Wm., royal naval and military outfitters (by appointment to Her Majesty), 22 and 23 The Hard Secombe Mrs. Eliza, straw and tuscan hat maker, 42 Bishop street Senneck George, Coach and Horses, Frederick street Shackle Miss Elizabeth, ostrich feather dresser, 13 Ordnance row SHAFT JAMES INWOOD, & CO., importers and dealers in foreign wines & spirits, 61 North street Sharp Henry, messman, H.M.S. Victory, 27 King street SHEATH JAMES, Rose and Crown Tavern, Cumberland street Shepherd Thomas, naval outfitter, 98 Queen street Sherlock Charles, inspector of police, H.M. dockyard, 22 Prince Georges street Sherman George Frederick, Victoria and Albert Tavern, 11 The Hard Sherwood Mrs. Mary, ladies outfitting warehouse, 2 Wickham street Sherwood Thomas, ale & porter merchant, agent for Guinness stout, Bass and Allsopps ales, 2 Wickham street Shields Mrs., straw bonnet maker, 23 Cross street Shirley Mrs. Sarah, lodging-house, 64 King street Shotter William, butcher, by appointment to Her Majesty, 55 Queen street, and 31 Kent street Shoveller John C., corn & flour factor, 35 Kent street Silverlock Hy., postmaster, 23 Hanover street Silverlock Mrs. Maria, dressmaker, 55 Union street Simes Henry, hairdresser, 6 Clock street Simmons John and Edward, cabinet manufacturers, upholsterers, undertakers, appraisers, decorators, and dealers in foreign timber, 88 Queen st., & 79, St. Georges square Sims Henry, goldsmith and jeweller, 61 Queen street Sims Mrs. Susannah, cap maker, 107 Queen street Siveyer William, scripture reader, 23 Lion terrace Slade Thos., accountant, 45 St. Georges square Slate James, band master, King street Slemming Robert, naval & military boot and shoemaker, 65 Hanover street Smart Mrs. Maria, beer retailer, 23 North street Smees Henry, greengrocer, 64 Cross street Smith Charles Bovill, auctioneer and land agent, 166 Queen street & at Wickham, Hants Smith Mrs. Emily, straw bonnet maker, 23 Union street Smith George & Co., general drapers, &c., Warwick house, 146 Queen street Smith John T., tailor and draper, 7 Butcher street Smith Richard, wood turner and venetian blind manufacturer, 2 Cross street Smyth Brothers, licensed postmasters, and mourning coach proprietors, 40 Queen street Smyth George, (firm of Smyth Brothers), 59 Cross street Smythe The Misses, ladies outfitting warehouse, 41 Queen street Snelling Henry, boot and shoemaker, 12 Butcher street Snelling Thomas, bootmaker, 1 College street, and Havant street Snooke Hargood, solicitor, commissioner to administer oaths in chancery & common law courts, perpetual commissioner and vestry clerk of St. Johns, 21, Union street. Snow James, working cutler, 32 The Hard Solomon Benjamin, general dealer, 9 Havant street Solomon Moses, navy agent, & dealer in Oriental, Dresden & Chelsea China and antiquities, 8 Ordnance row, & at Ryde, Isle of Wight Sothcott Joseph, tailor, naval and general outfitter, 145 Queen street and 5 Marmion road, Southsea Sothcott and Page, bakers and grocers, 15 and 16 Hanover street Southern Counties Provident society, Thos. Pratt Wills, secretary, 4 Lion place Southerton William John, hairdresser, and news agent, 5 Bonfire Corner Spearman George F., Victoria and Albert, 11 The Hard Spurrier Samuel W., baby linen warehouse, 168 Queen street Stacey Edwin, jeweller, watch and clack maker, 129 Queen street Stallard Mrs. Ann, Boatswains and Call, Frederick street Stamp Office, 1, Union street, Stephen Reeves, Esq., distributor Stapleford Edmund, fishmonger, 22 Kent street Stapleflird John, pawnbroker 75 Frederick street Stapleford John, accountant, 4 Chapel Row Stelling James, solicitor, clerk to the Westbourne union, clerk to the Emsworth lighting inspectors, secretary to the Emsworth gas company, commissioner to administer oaths in chancery and common law courts, 18 Chapel row Stephens John, acting inspector of shipwrights, H.M. dockyard, 7 Bishop street Stephens Miss Sarah Ann, shopkeeper, 64 Frederick street Stephens Mrs. Sophia, refreshment house, Si, North street Stevens William, brass finisher, gas fitter, &c., 32 Hanover street Steward James, warrant officer, R.N., 36 King street Stewart Walter, draper, 61 Prince Georges street Stickling Edward, warrant officer, R.N., 9 North street Stigant George Cornelius, solicitor, 31 Prince Georges street Stockman Philip William, master of the Metropolitan police school, H.M. dockyard, p. r., Cumberland street STOKES & CO., importers of wines and spirits, (by appointment to Her Majesty), 15 The Hard, and agents for Ind, Coope & Cos. Romforcl ales, and Bass & Cos. pale ales, & Guineass stout Stone John. naval and military outfitter, 8 and 9, Camden alley, and 1 Wickham street Stone Thomas W., tailor, 10 King street Stonelick Eliza, lodgings, 25 King street Stow George, hairdresser, 25 Bather street Stride William, tailor, 64 North street Sullivan Mrs. Sarah, milliner, 20 Daniel street Sutherland George, lodging-house, 65 King street SUTTON & CO., railway, and general carriers, and contractors, 54 Hanover street, and 35 Aldersgate street, London, James Ford, agent Sutton George, commercial traveller, 21 Lion terrace Swainston Albert, whitesmith, Lennox row, p. r. 49 Trafalgar street, Landport. Symonds Mrs. Jane, greengrocer, North street Symonds William, lodgings, 57 St. Georges square Symons William Francis, upholsterer, 62 Havant street Tagg Mrs. Mary Ann, lodging-house, 43 King street Taplin John, family mourning and funeral warehouse, 141 Queen street, p. r., Eastern villa Havant Tarrant John Russell, cabinet maker and undertaker, 26 St. James street Taylor Mrs. Eliza, pork butcher, 40 Kent street Taylor Miss Eliza, dressmaker, 15 Chapel row Taylor Francis, whip maker, 7 St. James street Taylor James, cooper, 45 North street Taylor John, poulterer, fruiterer, & dealer in game, 82 Queen street Taylor William, grocer & provision factor, 30 Kent street Terry James, lodging-house, 43 Bishop street Terry Robert Gilbert, grocer, Cross street Thomas Wm., carver, gilder and picture frame maker, 9, Hanover street Thompson John Henry, shopkeeper, 23 Kent street Thompson Mrs. Martha, general dealer, 2 College street Thorpe James Samuel, eating house, 38 Union street Thorne James Lyon, R.N. superintendent & secretary to the Royal Sailors Home, and agent for the Scottish Widows fund Life assurance society, 6, Britain st., St. Georges square Tilley George, naval tailor & outfitter, 2 Ordnance row Tilly William, Black Swan Tavern, 76 North street, and Cumberland street TILLY WILLIAM CAREY, naval and military outfitter, 49 Queen street Titberadge George, accountant, 46 St. Georges square TOOLE LAWRENCE HENRY, bookbinder, machine ruler & account book maker, 39 St. James street Totterdell E. & Co., royal naval & military outfitters, by appointment to Her Majestys royal family, &c., 62 Queen street Totterdell John, tailor & outfitter, 5 Great George square Totterdell Matthew G., Totterdells family and commercial hotel, St. Georges square Totterdell Matthew G., naval & military outfitter, Ordnance row Tout Charles J., tobacconist, 1 Hanover street Tout Charles James, boot and shoe manufacturer, 7, Camden alley ; p. r., King street Tout John William, engineer & millwright, Bishop street Towner Brothers, linen drapers, silk mercers, hosiers, &c., 156 Queen street Treadgold Wm., iron merchant, ironmonger, and agent for Milers patent fire proof safes and baxes, Bishop street Triggs Thomas, tailor, 25 North street Triggs William; shopkeeper, 29 North street. Tucker Edwin George, news agent, 56 North street Turner George and Henry, wholesale and retail silk mercers, linen and woollen drapers, &c., 78 Queen street Turner George, tailor and outfitter, 70 Hanover street Turner James Edward, St. Georges family and commercial hotel, St. Georges square |