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Southsea 1865 Harrods Directory - Traders A - B

Portsmouth pubs history index - Portsmouth 1855 index


Adames Henry, butcher, 20, Hambrook street
Adames Henry, butcher, Blackfriars road
Adams Henry Middleton, shopkeeper, 12, Warwick street
Adams Robert, bricklayer, 7, Grosvenor street
ADNAMS MRS. MATILDA MARY, Wheelbarrow Castle tavern, & brewery, Castle road
Allan Thomas white smith & bell hanger, Prince Frederick place & Constitution place
Alldrick Samuel, clerk, H.M. dockyard, 1, Staunton villa _The Thicket
Allen George A. F., draughtsman, H.M. dockyard, 14, Brougham terrace
Allen John, timber dealer, Blackfriars rd.
Allen Stephen Luke, butcher, Palmerston road
Allen Thomas, shopkeeper, Gloucester street
Allen William Jeremiah, butcher, 19, Hambrook street
Alley Mrs. Elizabeth, lodging house, 9, Landport terrace
Allman Mrs. Lavinia, newsagent and stationer, Blackfriars road
Anderson Charles, steward, H.M. yacht, Victoria & Albert, 92, Upper King street
Andrews A., commercial traveller, 11, Norfolk square
Andrews Thomas, greengrocer, 24, Hambrook street
Andrews William, butcher, Highland rd.
Angel Mr. borough surveyor, Cambridge lodge, Lewis, Villiers road
ANTILL NATHANIEL, wine & spirit merchant, Palmerston road, and at Portsea and Portsmouth,
Appleby Thos. greengrocer, Hyde Park road.
ASH GEORGE, The Wood Cutter, Landport street
Ash Jas, potato merchant, 2, Netley pl.
Ash William, potato merchant, 66, Grosvenor street
Aslett Miss, lodging house, Bunseldon house, Villiers road
Aslett Wm. wheelwright, 34, Wish street, p. r., Steel street
Astridge Henry, tailor, 17, Hyde street
Atkins Brice James, wholesale potato merchant, 4, West street
Attebury William, commercial traveller, Turuss lodge
Attrill Henry, lodging house, 5, Osborne terrace, Osborne road
Ayling Chas., Granada Arms, Granada road.
Backler George steward of the Royal department, H M yacht Victoria & Albert, 96, tipper King street
Badcoek Miss Eliza, dress & mantle maker, 16, Cottage grove
Baggs Morris, plumber, painter, &c, 116, Grigg street
Bailey George, timber & coal merchant, 80, Grigg street
Bailey Miss Jane Eliza, seminary, 2, Albany villa
Bailey Joseph William, butcher, 7 and 9, Hyde Park Corner
Bailey William, beer retailer, 72, St. Vincent street
Bailey Wm., beer retailer, Broad street
Bain Hugh, beer retailer, Hampton street
BAINTON JOHN, steam sawing and planing mills, Melbourne street
Baker Mrs. lodgings, Jubilee terrace
Baker A. W & Co., South of England marble and slate steam working company, wholesale manufacturers of marble and slate chimney pieces, Crystal street and Cottage grove,
Baker Geo. Wm., confectioner, 2, Cambridge terrace, Palmerston road
Baker John Bergoyne, statuary & mason; Richmond road
Baker Joseph, lodging-house, 2, South Parade
Baker Miss Sarah, millinery Fleet street
Baker S. J. & Co., wholesale and export stationers, 10, Cottage grove
Baker Wm. Hy., grocer & provision merchant, Sackville street and Eldon street
Baldock Charles Finchans, bookseller, stationer, circulating library, depot for the Bible society, 27, Wish street
Banks Jas., beer retailer, & pork butcher, Brunswick road
Barber Richard, superintendent of the borough police, 1, Norfolk square
Barfold Anthony Frederick, tailor, 9, Landport street
Barnaby John Wm, lodgings, Glendon house, Nightingale road
Barnard John, butcher, 59, Wish street
Barnes Joseph, contractor, 3, Florence cottages, Florence road
Barnes Joseph, baker, Hampshire street
Barnes Mrs. S., pawnbroker, 33, Gold street
Bartlett Jas., grocer, 37, York street
Barton Edwd., beer retailer, Somers town
Bastable Elisha, baker and grocer, Hyde Park corner
Batchelor Richard, M.R.C.S., surgeon, Somerset house, Green road
Batchelor Richard, baker & grocer, St. Paul's square
Batchelor Richard G., baker, 32, Great Southsea street
Bateman Francis, beer retailer and Bath chair proprietor, 47, Wish street
Battiss William, lodging house, Rulland house, Clarence parade, E.
Baylis Walter, chimney sweeper and fire extinguisher, Palmerston road
Bayne John Aaron, general hardware shop, Blackfriars road
Bayntun Frederick, watch & clock maker, 58, Great Southsea street
Beaken. John, shopkeeper, Telegraph street
Beard John, beer retailer, Highland road
BEARD JOSEPH, brewer and Radnor Arms. 43, St. James road
Beck Frederick, insurance agent, 76, Upper King street
Beech James, baker, 44, Hambrook street
Beeson Wm., clerk to the Hampshire telegraph, 29, Hampshire terrace
Bennett Alfred, hairdresser, Blackfriars road.
Bennett Charles, butcher, 6, St. James road.
Bennett John, commission agent, 4, Norfolk street
Bennett Thomas D., dentist, 7, Norfolk square
Bentham Augustus Lawton, surgeon, 12, Lawton house, Norfolk street
Bentham Samuel, surgeon, Norfolk house, Norfolk square
Berryman Frederick, boot maker, 68, Grigg street
Berryman Mrs., lodging house, 8, Sussex road
Bevis Charles, timber converter, H.M. dockyard, 71, King street
Bewsey Charles, brick and slate merchant, Seymour villa, Highland road
Bicknell C., gasfitter, whitesmith, &c., Flint street, and Green row, Portsmouth
BIDEN GEORGE, corn factor, 1, Waterloo street
Biden James, builder, Albert road
BIDEN WILLIAM, The Lord Hood tavern, Gloucester street and Rutland street
Bird John, tailor, 9, King street
Birt George, fruiterer & greengrocer, 28, Hambrook street
Birt Miss Olivia, lodgings, 20, King's terrace
Bishop Joshua, baker, Telegraph street
Blackman Richard, beer retailer, 44, Great Southsea street
Blackwell Mrs. Catherine, dressmaker, 27, Hambrook street
Blake George, clerk to the Camber office, Portsmouth, p. r., 8, tanley terrace
Blake Wm., greengrocer, 35, Grosvenor street
Blanchard George, general dealer, 19, Radnor street and Town Quay, Portsmouth
Blanchard Mary, general dealer, 14, Grigg street
Blanchard Wm., beer retailer, East street
Blanchard Wm. David, beer retailer, 1, Landport terrace
Blythe Wm., band master, H.M.S., 36, King street
Body John, butcher, Somers town
Boimaison Joseph, professor of fencing & dancing, 4, Zetland place, Green road
Bone Dasid, academy, 35, King street
Bone Mrs. Emma, beer retailer, 64, Grosvenor street
Bone John, baker & grocer, 13, Grigg street
Bone Mrs. Susan, beer retailer and wood seller, Blackfriars road
Bone William, grocer & baker, 11, Belgrave street
Boots & Gardner, parcel receiving house, Cambridge tavern
Boulton Thos., beer retailer, 47, Grigg street.
Bowers Wm., beer retailer, 17, Wish street
Bowman J boot maker, Highland road
Boyd James, travelling draper, 18, Hampshire terrace
Boyett Mrs. Elizabeth, baker, 9, Great Southsea street
Boyland Jas., beer retailer, Brougham terrace
Brading William, shopkeeper, 13, Landport street
Bradshaw Mrs. Chas., laundress, Granada rd., St. Helen's park
Bradshaw Edwin, shopkeeper, &c., 1, Gold street and Stone street
Branbury James, painter. & paper hanger, 71, West street
Bransbnry Henry, brewer, wine and spirit merchant, Hyde Park brewery
Braxton Chas., builder, 3, St. Helen's park, New Southsea
Breething Joseph, Osborne Arms, Osborne road
Bridle Thomas, lodging-house, 7, Osborne terrace, Osborne road
Brimesden John, house agent, agent to the Midland Counties Insurance company, 3, Great Southsea street
Brinton Mrs. Ann, lodgings, 9, King's terrace
Brooks Miss Eliz., lodgings, 6, Jubilee terrace
Brooks Mrs. Lousia, lodgings, 4, King's terrace 
Brown Gs, young gentlemen's school, 2, Marmion road
Brown John, lodgings, 20, Hampshire terrace
Brown Richard, tailor, 2, The Briars, Lennox road
Brown William, beer retailer, Ivy street
Bryant Edw., pipe manufacturer, Whaltham street
Bubb William, builder, St. Vincent street, p. r., 12, Nolfork square
Buckle James, Crown inn, brewer and licensed to let post horses, &c., 7, Wish street
Buckler Henry, family grocer & provision merchant, 17, Hyde Park corner
Budd Richard, lodging house, 2, Ryde View, Osborne road
BURBID GE GEORGE, carpenter, builder & contractor, Somers road
Burdett Thomas, shopkeeper, East street
Burgess J., draper, 23, Great Southsea street
Burnett George, lodging house, 6, Osborne terrace, Osborne road
Burrow Rev. A., Bell Rev. W., & Mr. W. Jo'Anson, naval tutors, North grove house
Burton James, pork butcher & cow keeper, 103, St. Vincent street
Busey James, greengrocer, 4. Peel street
Butcher Hezekiah, beer retailer and shopkeeper, Cumberland road
BUTLER. CHRISTOPHER, baker and grocer, 53, Grosvenor street
Butler Jas., greengrocer, 30, Hyde park road.
Butler John, beer retailer, 15, Rutland street
Butler William, Five Cricketers tavern, Castle road
Butt Mrs. Maria, register office and home for servants, 40, St. James road
Bying Isaac, beer retailer, Green row

And Last updated on: Wednesday, 02-Oct-2024 13:56:19 BST