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Southsea 1865 Harrods Directory - Traders T - Y

Portsmouth pubs history index - Portsmouth 1855 index


Tap George, clerk in H.M. gun wharf, 19. Cottage grove
Targett Ed., greengrocer, 18, Sackville street
Taylor John, academy, Somers road.
Taylor John, shopkeeper, Berkley street
Terry James, Bridge tavern, Somers road
Terry Mary Ann, leer retailer, Blenham street
Thomas Mrs. Anna Jane, lodgings, 10, Bellevue terrace
Thomas Owen, shopkeeper, 5, Landport street
Thomas Wm., beer retailer, Landport street
Thompson Thomas, beer retailer, 42, Sackville street
Thorn Geo., boarding school, 23, Landport terrace
Thorn Joseph, grocer, Telegraph street
Thornton William, boot and shoemaker, 17, King street
Tickner George, brewer and rnaltster, Brunswick brewery, Grigg street
Tickner John, grocer and tea dealer, 48, Wish street
Tilly John, beer retailer, Greetham street
Tilly Josiah Henry, naval and military outfitter, Malvern house, 82, Wish street
Tollervey Timothy, baker, 19, West street
Tonge Mrs., milliner, Albert road
Tester Mr., collector Inland Revenue office, Rose cottage, Peel street
Tout Joseph, greengrocer, Timewell terrace
Townsend Edwin Luke, pawnbroker, 34, Brunswick road
Treakell J., son., music warehouse, 2, Palmerston road., & at 75, High street, Portsmouth
Tridgell Timothy, lodging house, 2, Landport terrace
Trout David Ellis, lodging house, 66, Upper King street
Tucker Charles, Goat commercial inn, Wish street
Tull Edwin, Royal Oak, grocer and carpenter, Blackfriars road.
Turner Alfred, grocer, Lennox terrace
Tutton. Charles, lodging house, 5, Dover terrace, Osborne road
Twine Mrs. Charlotte, lodging house, 1, Stanley terrace, Stanley street
Tyrell William, foreman of works, 1, Sussex road
Ubsdell Eli4abeth, locartling house, Kent house, Kent road
Ubsdell William C., stationer and hairdresser, 38, Hambrook street
Vaughan Henry, butcher, St. Vincent street
Veck James, draper, &c., Stanley street
Verey Felix Henry, pork butcher, 15, Wish street
Vickery Thomas Henry, boarding establishment for young gentlemen, Hofe house, Somerset place, Green road
Vincent Cornelius, beer retailer, 59, Grigg street
Vine Edward, butcher, 17, Grigg street
Vine Samuel J., foreman of Her Majesty's dockyard, 26, Peel street
Vine Thos., confectioner, 2, Hambrook street
Voysey IL, bootmaker, 41, Grosvenor street
Voysey Richard, bootmaker, 75, Gloucester street
Wade William, steward Her Majesty's service, 16, Brougham terrace
Wade William C., beer retailer, 11, St. James road
WAINWRIGHT GEORGE, The Rose of Denmark, Cecil place
Wakeford Mrs. Mary Ann, lodgings, 15, Jubilee terrace
WALDEN HENRY, china, glass, and toy warehouse, 27, Middle street
Walker Joseph, Albert tavern, York street
Walling Richard Cox, fruiterer, &c., 18, Wish street
Walton Joseph, lodging house keeper, Madeira house, Palmerston road
Ward Mrs. Sarah, Prince of Wales tavern, Hambrook street
Ward Thomas, greengrocer, 1, Middle street
Warr Francis, surgeon and homeopathic practitioner, 25, Sydenham terrace
Warren George, baker and grocer, 3, Hambrook street
Warren Thomas, furniture broker, 14, Middle street
Warren Thomas, marine store dealer, Hyde Park road
Wassell Mrs. Harriet, stay manufacturer, 15, St. Paul's square
Waters James Edward, beer retailer, Hyde park corner
Waters William George, gardener, Havelock park
WATKINS WILLIAM HENRY, importer and bonder of foreign wines and spirits, ale and porter merchant, Palmerston road, and at 1 and 2, Butcher street, St. George's square, Portsea,
Watson John, commercial traveller, Holland cottage, Yarborough road
Wataon Miss, dress and mantle maker, Brunswick road
Watts Joseph Pain, examining officer Her Majesty's customs, 35, Osborne street
Watts Mrs., lodgings, 41, Sackville street
Wavell Mrs. Eliza, Berlin and fancy repository, Marmion road
Way Mrs., lodgings, 2, King's terrace
Way J. Albert, B.A.., classical and mathematical tutor, &c., 4, Fernley terrace
Way James, grocer and baker, 40, Sackville street
Webb John, boatswain R.N., 12, St. James road
Webb Jonathan, farmer, 1, Woodstock villa, Clarendon road
Webb Josiah Joseph, solicitor, agent to the Law Fire Insurance- and for the London and Provincial Law Assurance Society, office, 4, Marmion road
Webb Samuel, tobacconist, 19, Castle rd.
Wedge George, dairyman, 64, York street
Weeks Charles, the Star tavern, 31, Gold street
Weeks William, Portsmouth Arms tavern, King street
Welch Mrs. Ann, lodgings, 11, King's ter.
Welch J., bricklayer, 48, St. James' road
Wells John, draper and haberdasher, 37, Grosvenor street
Wellstead Miss Maria, lodging house, Oakley place, Wish street
West Daniel, lodging house keeper, 3, Clarence terrace, Clarence parade east
West Daniel, builder, 1, Hope villa, Auckland road east
West John, lodging house keeper, 14, Sussex house, Sussex road
WESTBROOK JOHN, butcher, 92, St. James road
Whale John, grocer and tea dealer, Highland road
Wheeler James, baker and confectioner, 41, Wish street
Wheeler John, dentist, Osborne house, Palmerston road
White :Charles Henry, stone mason, 93, Grosvenor street
WHITE JAMES, fishmonger, poulterer, and dealer in game, Palmerston road
White James Richard, lodging house keeper, 3, Sussex road
White John, firm of Fraser and White, King street
White William, naval and military outfitter, Palmerston road
Whitehall Daniel, grocer and provision merchant, 12, Cambridge terrace
Whitehorn Thos., printer and bookbinder, 31, Great Southsea street
Whiston Charles, pianoforte warehouse, photographer, and fancy repository, 31 and 32, Wish street
Whittle James, general dealer, Greetham street
Wickenden William, butcher, Biackfriars road
Wilkins James, bookseller, 14, Great Southsea street
Wilkins John; clerk to the railway station, 20, Brougham terrace
Wilkins John Christopher, beer retailer, Ivy street
Wilkinson Daniel, leading hand in the riggers, Her Majesty's dockyard, 18, Kings terrace
Wilkinson John, tailor, 3, St. James' rd.
Willett Elizabeth, beer retailer, 1 Castle road, Southsea
Williams Mrs. Emma, lodging house keeper, 5, Netley terrace
Williams H., beer retailer, Marylebone street
Williams Joseph, shopkeeper, 19, Durham street
Williams Thos., beer retailer, 38, Gold street
Williams Thos., shopkeeper, Cromwell rd.
WHILLSHER JOHN, carpenter and beer retailer, Portland street
willsteed Mrs. Frances, lodging house keeper, 4, Clarendon villas
Wilson James H., beer retailer, Fleet street
WILSON JOHN SHEPHERD, family and dispensing chemist and dentist, 44, Wish street
Wilson Wm., surgeon R.N., St. Edward's villa, Villiers road
Winch John, carpenter ; p.r., 42, Union street, Portsea
Windsor John & Son, undertakers, Hyde park corner
Windsor Mrs. Maria, beer retailer, 18, Grigg street
Wingate Mrs., lodging house keeper, 3, South parade
Winter George, commission agent, 4, Stanley terrace, Stanley street
Winn Thos., toy dealer, Great Southsea street
Winter Jas., beer retailer, 6, Warwick street
WOOD ALFRED, general carrier and furniture broker, &c., St. James road
Wood Mrs. Louisa, lodgings, 13, Kings terrace
Woodcock Thomas, stei‘ ard Oriental Company's Packets, 45, West street
Woodford Geoge, master mariner, 7, Great Southsea street
Woods John, confectioner, Hyde park corner
Woodman Brothers, silk mercers, drapers, &c., 11, Cambridge terrace
Woodward George, family grocer and provision merchant, Palmerston road
Woollons Mrs. Jane, milliner, dress and mantle maker, 80, Wish street
Wright Mrs. Mary, lodging house keeper, 21, Clarendon road
Wright R. P., private school, 6, South parade
Wyatt H., beer retailer, Greetham street
Wym John, schoolmaster, 3, Brougham terrace
Yobs Charles, egg merchant, 15, King street
Young George, lodging house keeper, 3, Clarence parade
Young George, greengrocer, &c., Brunswick road

And Last updated on: Wednesday, 02-Oct-2024 13:56:20 BST