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Canterbury Public Houses - History, Genealogy & Trade Directories

Kent Villages and Towns A - Z

Canterbury, Blean / Canterbury, Canterbury with Swale

Melvilles 1858 Directory of Kent.

Melvilles 1858 Directory of Kent.

CANTERBURY, A City and County of itself .. ; Canterbury Cathedral & church history

More history of Canterbury.
Many ancient ecclesiastical and charitable establishments are found in the city, and many of modern date. Cogan's Hospital in St. Peter's-street, was founded in 1199, and maintains six poor widows of clergymen. Within the hospital are the remains of some walls of the Grey or Franciscan Friars. King's Bridge, or East Bridge Hospital; in High-street, was founded by St. Thomas-a-Becket. It has a hall and chapel, with a school for 20 boys, and almshouses for 5 men and 5 women. It is under the patronage of the Archbishop. An ancient gateway in St. George's street is the last remains of the convent of the White Augustine Friars. Maynard and Cotton's Hospital, in Castle-street, is for aged men and women, under the patronage of the Mayor. The City Bridewell, or City Workhouse, in Lamb-lane, was an hospital founded by Archbishop Simon Langton, in 1240. The Mint, in Palace-street, once belonged to the Knights Templars; it is a privileged extra-parochial place, under the jurisdiction of the Board of Green Cloth. The Hospital of St. John, and the remains of St. Gregory's Priory, are in Northgate-street; both were founded by Archbishop Lanfranc in 1084. In the Chapel of St. John's is some fine painted glass. Here are maintained a prior and 18 brothers and sisters, nominated by the Archbishop; they form a precinct. Boys' Hospital, founded by Sir John Boys, in 1595, is also in Northgate-street; it is for maintaining 8 men, 4 women, and 1 warden, and for educating 20 poor boys. The
Kent and Canterbury Hospital is in Longport, and was finished in 1793. St. Augustine's Abbey stood in Longport. It was founded by King Ethelbert, in 597, and many Kings and Archbishops were buried in it. It was richly endowed, holding 12,000 acres of land, and, at the Dissolution, its revenues were £1,431 4s. ll½d. Two handsome gateways are still remaining. This Abbey has been rebuilt as a Missionary College, at a very large expense, chiefly contributed by Alexander Beresford Hope, Esq., M.P. In this palace Queen Elizabeth kept her court for some days, and Charles I. was married to Queen Henrietta Maria. In the churchyard are the remains of the chapel of St. Pancras, said to have been built before the time of King Ethelbert I. Of the Archbishop's sumptuous palace in Palace-street, only the wall and an archway remain, and the Archbishops have been long non-resident. This too forms a precinct. Many of the ancient ecclesiastical establishments still form distinct precincts - as, the Cathedral, Castle, Palace, Grey Friars, Knights Templars or Mint, Black Friars or Dominicans, White Friars or Augustine Friars; the Monastic Hospitals, St. Augustine's or Benedictines, the Black Prince's Chantry, and St. Gregory's Priory. Here are a Jews' synagogue, Roman Catholic church, Unitarian, Independent, Baptist, Wesleyan, Lady Huntingdon's and Friends' meeting-houses.

The Guildhall or Courthall, in High-street, contain some portraits and some old
arms. The Public Assembly Rooms are attached to the Globe Tavern and Guildhall
Tavern. The Gas and Water Companies occupy the site of the Castle, of which few
relics remain. Canterbury is a considerable military station. .The Royal Cavalry
Barracks, on the Margate-road, is a fine brick building, forming three sides of a
square; they were built in 1794. The Old Infantry Barracks, for 2,000 men, are also on the Margate Road, and were built in 1798. They form a station for the horse and foot artillery. The New Barracks were built in 1811, and provide accommodation for 99 Officers, 1,841 non-commissioned officers and privates, and 481 horses. Here are the head-quarters of the East Kent Militia. Anew Militia Barracks. is now in course of erection. The Military Infirmary on the Margate road, behind the barracks, is a handsome edifice, and an ornament to the neighbourhood.
The Philosophical Institute Museum was founded in 1826. The Literary and Scientific Institution has a library of 3,000 volumes. There is a library in the cathedral and another in the College. There are four newspapers and a library and reading room.
Besides the Missionary College, which has a professor of Oriental languages, there is a King's Grammar School in the Cathedral, a Church of England Commercial School; and many Primary Schools. The Theatre is in Orange-street. The buildings around this court were at one time inhabited by the famous Lord Chancellor, Sir Thomas More. There is a Catch and Glee Club held in Canterbury, which justly ranks as one of the best musical entertainments of this description in the kingdom. The Cattle Market is spacious, it is without George's-gate. The market is held on Saturday weekly. The Corn and Hop is in St. George's-street; it is a handsome building, with a stone front, and beneath is the Public Meat Office. The Poultry Market is in Burgate street. There is also a Fish Market. The chief trading establishments are breweries, mailings, tanneries, soap and candle works, brick-fields, whiting-works, lime-kilns, coach-lofts, tobacco pipe making, iron-foundries, organ-building, linen-weaving, worsted manufactory, and ropework. The Dane John is an artificial mound, the favourite walk of the citizens, overlooking the city, and with a fine view; it has been much improved of late years; near it is the the Martyrs' Field, where several persons were burnt in the time of Queen Mary I. St. Radigund's Bath, without Northgate, is an ancient establishment, supposed to have been Roman, and supplied by a natural spring. Westgate is the only one of the city gates now remaining; it is built of squared stone, and the upper part is used as a gaol for criminals and debtors. Over the Stour are several bridges, and on the river are some ancient mills, by which the navigation is impeded.

In the High-street, at the corner of Mercery-lane, is the site of the Chequers Inn,
mentioned by Chaucer in his " Canterbury Tales," as being frequented by the pilgrims of his time. A great portion of the building is in the occupation of Mr. G. Wood, draper. The Kent and Canterbury Hospital is situated in Longport, on part of the grounds formerly belonging to the Monastery of St. Augustine.
The County Gaol and Sessions House is an extensive building, situated in the direction of St. Martin's Church. The Sessions House is a neat erection of the Doric order, ornamented with the figures of Justice and Mercy over the entrance.
The Clergy Orphan College is situated on St. Thomas's Hill, about a mile distant.
It is a handsome edifice, and commands a fine view of Canterbury.

Gentry in 1858

Public Houses in Canterbury

Traders in 1858 Melvilles Directory by surname

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