Fagge Arms, Chartham, Canterbury

Chartham pub history index

Directory of Pubs in the UK, historical public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in Chartham, Canterbury, Kent.

Residents at this address

Residents at this address

1881/Henry J French/Licensed Victualler/36/Bermondsey, Surrey/Census
1881/Jane French/Wife/35/Reading, Berkshire/Census
1881/Arthur H French/Son/12/Greenwich, Kent/Census

1882/Henry John French/../../../Post Office Directory

1891/W W K Hardiman/../../../Post Office Directory

1901/Frederick Sharp/Licensed Victualler/60/Breden, Kent/Census
1901/Louisa Sharp/Wife/53/St James, London/Census
1901/Alfred Sharp/Son/10/Sittingbourne, Kent/Census

1903/Frederick Sharp/../../../Post Office Directory

Charles Couchman is previously at the Artichoke Inn, probably before 1906.

1911/Charles Couchman/Licensed Victualler/57/Tunstall, Kent/Census
1911/Maria Couchman/Wife, Assistant/56/Sandhurst, Kent/Census
1911/Ida Sherwood/Step Daughter, Assistant/27/Faversham, Kent/Census
1911/Mary Elizabeth Kemp/Grand Daughter/9/Ramsgate, Kent/Census

1913/Charles Couchman/../../../Post Office Directory

1922/Charles Couchman/../../../Post Office Directory

1930/Charles Couchman/../../../Post Office Directory

1938/Arthur Halsey/../../../Post Office Directory

And Last updated on: Friday, 09-Feb-2024 13:13:43 GMT