Kings Head, Bessels Green Road, Bessels Green TN13 2QA

Chevening pub history index

Directory of Pubs in the UK, historical public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in Chevening, Kent .

Residents at this address

In 1851 census at Bessells Green is Henry Booker, Victualler, aged 33, His wife Mary Ann Booker, is 27, and daughters Lousia, aged 9 and Emely, aged 5 all born in Eynsford. and a son Henry Booker, aged 1 who is born in Chevening.
There are a number of Visitors, and a Nurse, Elizabeth Reves, aged 52.

1858, Henry, French, Kings Head, Bessells Green , Melvilles 1858 Directory

In 1861 census, the KIngs Head, Bessells Green has Henry French, Victualler, aged 40 along with his wife Harriet French, aged 33, and Henry French, aged 14; Charles French, aged 11 and Harriet French, aged 8. His Brother in Law, an Agricultural labourer, aged 50, is also with them.
They are all listed as born in Chevening, except Charles, who was born in Sundridge.

1867, E Trew, Kings Head, Bessells green, Chevening, Sevenoaks

In 1871 census, a public house in Bessells Green has James Banks, Inn Keeper, aged 46 and born in Wolverhampton, Staffordshire. His wife, Esther, aged 46 and children are born in Sevenoaks, Kent, being Alice Banks aged 19, Silas Banks aged 17 and Horace Banks, aged 14, Rosa Banks aged 10 and George Banks, aged 7.

In 1911 at Kings Head Bessels Green, Riverhead Seven Oaks
George Cheal, Inn keeper, aged 51 years and born in Effingham Surrey
Emma Cheal, Wife, Assisting in the business, aged 49 years and born in Baldhu Cornwall
Henry John Manning, Boarder, House painter, aged 63 years and born in Battersea Surrey
George Grover, Boarder, House painter, aged 35 years and born in Folkestone Kent
Henry Hoadley, Lodger, General labourer, aged 44 years and born in High Steep Jarvis Brook Sussex
Samuel Jones, Lodger, General labourer, aged 42 years and born in Brigton Sussex

1938, Frederick G Tooth, Kings Head Inn, Bessels Green

1938, Chas Davenport, Kings Head, Bessels Green

2018, The Kings Head, Bessels Green Road, Bessels Green TN13 2QA

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