Chequers, Darenth, Dartford

Darenth pub history index

Directory of Pubs in the UK, historical public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in Kent . The Kent listing uses information from census, Trade Directories and History to add licensees, bar staff, Lodgers and Visitors.

Chequers, Darenth Road, Darenth - in December 2012

Chequers, Darenth Road, Darenth - in December 2012

Kindly provided by Stephen Harris

Residents at this address

1829/Geo. Allchin/../../../Pigot’s Directory 1828-29 **

1834/William Bull/../../../Pigot’s Directory 1832-34 **

1847/Geo. K Mackney / Tailor & Victualler /../../Bagshaw’s Directory **

1858/George Mackney/../../../Melvilles Directory

1862/Mrs Sophia Mackney/../../../Post Office Directory

1871/Edmund Mackney/Licensed Victualler/28/Darenth, Kent/Census
1871/Harriet A Mackney/Wife/22/Dartford, Kent/Census
1871/Edmund Mackney/Son/11 months/Darenth, Kent/Census
1871/Amelia E Farnett/Sister in Law/12/Dartford, Kent/Census
1871/George Waghorn/Pot Boy/14/Darenth, Kent/Census

1874/Edmund Mackney/& Insurance Agent/../../Post Office Directory

1881/Edmund Mackney/Licensed Victualler/38/Darenth, Kent/Census
1881/Harriet A Mackney/Wife/31/Dartford, Kent/Census
1881/Edith E Hart/Sister In Law, Coachmans Wife/26/Dartford, Kent/Census
1881/Lillian E Hart/Niece/11 months//CensusDartford, Kent
1881/John Field/Potboy/14/St Marys, Middlesex/Census
1881/James Roberts/Paper Makers Laborer/63/Dartford, Kent/Census
1881/James Parker/Lodger, Ag Labourer, Blind/65/Little Bytham, Lincoln/Census

1882/Edmund Mackney/../../../Post Office Directory

1891/John Barnett/../../../Post Office Directory

1891/John Barnett/Licensed Victualler/44/Dartford, Kent/Census
1891/Jane Barnett/Wife/39/Stone, Kent/Census
1891/Frederick J Barnett/Son/19/Dartford, Kent/Census
1891/William E Barnett/Son/17/Dartford, Kent/Census
1891/Harry T Barnett/Son/15/Dartford, Kent/Census
1891/Charles Barnett/Son/13/Dartford, Kent/Census
1891/Sidney G Barnett/Son/11/Dartford, Kent/Census
1891/Beverley A Barnett/Son/9/Dartford, Kent/Census
1891/Lewis Barnett/Son/7/Dartford, Kent/Census
1891/Ellen Emma Barnett/Daughter/4/Dartford, Kent/Census
1891/Eliza Whitmore/Servant/19/Dartford, Kent/Census

1899/Harry Miller/../../../Kelly’s Directory **

1901/Wm Head/Publican/23/Little Chart, Kent/Census
1901/Amie Harding/Aunt, Widow/54/Dartford, Kent/Census

1903/William James Upton/../../../Post Office Directory

1913/Richard Harris/../../../Post Office Directory

1918/William Jenkins/../../../Post Office Directory

1922/William Jenkins/../../../Post Office Directory

1930/William Jenkins/../../../Post Office Directory

1934/Morris G Blew/../../../Kelly’s Directory **

1938/Louis R Blew/../../../Post Office Directory

** Provided By Stephen Harris

And Last updated on: Friday, 09-Feb-2024 13:14:37 GMT