Pilot, 42 East Terrace, Gravesend

This pub was present by 1839.

Gravesend pub history index

Directory of Pubs in the UK, historical public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in Gravesend, Kent . The Gravesend, Kent listing uses information from census, Trade Directories and History to add licensees, bar staff, Lodgers and Visitors.

Residents at this address

1851/Thomas Hollingum/Pilot, East terrace/../../Post Office Directory

1851/Thomas Hollingham/Victualler/51/Milton, Kent/Census
1851/Elizabeth Hollingham/Wife/57/Gravesend, Kent/Census
1851/Thomas J Hollingham/Son, Mariner/23/Gravesend, Kent/Census
1851/William J Hollingham/Son, Waterman/19/Milton, Kent/Census
1851/Eliza Smithson/Housemaid/19/Grays, Essex/Census
1851/George Ford/Visitor, Engineer/41/Bromley, Middlesex/Census

1855/Mrs Elizabeth Hollingum/Pilot, 42 & 43 East terrace/../../Post Office Directory

1865/Henry Tonkin/../../../Hall’s Directory **

1874/Henry Tonkin/../../../Post Office Directory

1881/Alfred Clark/Licensed Victualler/35/Rye, Sussex/Census
1881/Sarah Clark/Wife/45/Greenwich, Kent/Census
1881/Annie manning/Step Daughter/16/Greenwich, Kent/Census
1881/John Bournan/Visitor, mariner/55/Workington, Cumberland/Census
1881/Helen Harper/Visitor/39/Cheltenham, Gloucester/Census

1882/James Dixon/../../../Post Office Directory

1891/Charles Bell/../../../Post Office Directory

1903/Henry Wm Ware/../../../Post Office Directory

1913/Henry William Ware/../../../Post Office Directory

1922/Henry William Ware/../../../Post Office Directory

1930/Mrs Grace Emily Tall/../../../Post Office Directory

1938/Mrs Grace Emily Tall/../../../Post Office Directory

Mr M I V Lukes, co-licensee of the Pilot, died in 1963 - Black Eagle Journal ***

C A Judd, of the Pilot, dies October 3rd 1967 - Black Eagle Journal ***

** Provided By Stephen Harris

*** Provided By Alex Wilkinson

And Last updated on: Friday, 09-Feb-2024 13:19:29 GMT