The Shakespeare, 150 Milton Road, Gravesend

This pub was present by 1843 and closed in 1915. The earlier address in 1861 was at 92 Milton Road. **

Gravesend pub history index

Directory of Pubs in the UK, historical public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in Gravesend, Kent . The Gravesend, Kent listing uses information from census, Trade Directories and History to add licensees, bar staff, Lodgers and Visitors.

Residents at this address

1861/Thomas Milton/Beer House Keeper/50/Rochester, KentGravesend, Kent/Census
1861/Emma Milton/Wife/42/Brentwood, Essex/Census
1861/Walter Milton/Son, Ag Labourer/18/Brentwood, Essex/Census
1861/William J Mackley/Boarder, Waterman/24/Gravesend, Kent/Census
1861/Benjamin Pierce/Boarder, Cellarman/28/Tunbridge Wells, Kent/Census
1861/George Turner/Boarder, Waterman/21/Gravesend, Kent/Census

1878/Thomas Milton / Beer Retailer /../../Post Office Directory **

1881/William James/Beerhouse Keeper/36/Ely, Cambridge/Census
1881/Emma A James/Wife/31/Gravesend, Kent/Census
1881/Mary A E James/Daughter/6/Gravesend, Kent/Census
1881/Guy James/Son/4/Gravesend, Kent/Census
1881/Oscar James/Son/9 months/Gravesend, Kent/Census
1881/Alice J Flower/Barmaid/21/Lydenham, Kent/Census

1913/William Merchant / Beer Retailer /../../Kelly’s Directory of Kent **

** Provided By Stephen Harris

And Last updated on: Friday, 09-Feb-2024 13:19:32 GMT