First & Last, 40 Bower Place, Maidstone

Maidstone pub history index

Directory of Pubs in the UK, historical public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in Maidstone, Kent . The Maidstone,  Kent listing uses information from census, Trade Directories and History to add licensees, bar staff, Lodgers and Visitors.

First & Last, 40 Bower Place, Maidstone - in March 2013

First & Last, 40 Bower Place, Maidstone - in March 2013

Kindly provided by Stephen Harris

Residents at this address

1847John Hodges/../../../Bagshaws Directory **

1851/John Hodges/Beer Shop Keeper/57/Brenchley, Kent/Census
1851/Jane Hodges/Wife/56/Yalding, Kent/Census

1858/Mrs Jane Hodges/../../../Melvilles Directory

1861/George Vaughan/Licensed Victualler/41/Brompton, Kent/Census
1861/Frances M S Vaughan/Wife/29/South Wales/Census
1861/Ann McTune?/Visitor, Formerly Governess/31/Newport, Monmouth/Census

1862/George Vaughan/../../../Kellys Directory

1867/George Vaughan/../../../Kellys Directory

1874/Edward Morris/../../../Kellys Directory

1881/Edward Morris/Licensed Victualler/54/Goudhurst, Kent/Census
1881/Emily Morris/Wife/54/Maidstone, Kent/Census
1881/Edward Morris/Son, Solicitors Clerk/22/Maidstone, Kent/Census
1881/Henry Morris/Son, Solicitors Clerk/20/Maidstone, Kent/Census
1881/Clara Morris/Daughter/18/Maidstone, Kent/Census
1881/Emily Morris/Daughter/13/Maidstone, Kent/Census

1882/Edward Morris/../../../Post Office Directory

1891/Mrs Emily Morris/../../../Post Office Directory

1903/W H Waite/../../../Post Office Directory

1911/William Henry Waite/Licensed Victualler/64/Tovil, Maidstone, Kent/Census
1911/Rose Waite/Wife/63/Loose, Kent/Census
1911/Ewart George William Marchton/Grandson, Engineer/17/Maidstone, Kent/Census
1911/Marion Rodmell/Assistant/26/Hawkhurst/Census
1911/Reginald Rodemll/Visitor, Footman/17/Hawkhurst/Census

1913/Wm R Pettitt/../../../Post Office Directory

1918/William R Pettitt/../../../Post Office Directory

1922/Wm R Pettitt/../../../Post Office Directory

1930/Wiliam R Pettitt/../../../Post Office Directory

1938/Wm R Pettitt/../../../Post Office Directory

** Provided By Stephen Harris


And Last updated on: Friday, 09-Feb-2024 13:25:55 GMT