Flower Pot, 96 Sandling Road, Maidstone

Listed at Pleasant Row in 1851 & 1861 census and 1862 directory. At 91 Sandling Road in 1874

Maidstone pub history index

Directory of Pubs in the UK, historical public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in Maidstone, Kent . The Maidstone,  Kent listing uses information from census, Trade Directories and History to add licensees, bar staff, Lodgers and Visitors.

Flower Pot, 96 Sandling Road, Maidstone - in July 2011

Flower Pot, 96 Sandling Road, Maidstone - in July 2011

Kindly provided by Stephen Harris

Residents at this address

1851/Stephen Jones/Beer Seller/47/Yalding, Kent/Census
1851/Harriet Jones/Wife/43/Yalding, Kent/Census
1851/Henry Hanbyfold/Visitor, Labourer/38/Maidstone, Kent/Census

1858/Stephen Jones/../../../Melvilles Directory

1861/Harriet Jones/Beer Retailer, Widow/50/Yalding, Kent/Census
1861/Eliza Rolf/Sister/48/Yalding, Kent/Census
1861/Eliza Ellis/Servant/17/Maidstone, Kent/Census
1861/Susannah Rolf/Visitor/12/Yalding, Kent/Census

1862/William King/Beer Retailer & Brickmaker/../../Post Office Directory

1867/William King/../../../Post Office Directory

1882/William King/../../../Post Office Directory

1891/William King/../../../Post Office Directory

1903/Henry J Turner/../../../Post Office Directory

1904/Henry J Turner/../../../Kent Messenger Maidstone Directory **

1911/Henry Turner/Licensed Victualler/43/Lambeth, London/Census
1911/Rebecca Turner/Wife/45/Alderton, suffolk/Census
1911/Henry Turner/Son, Railway Clerk/17/New Cross, London/Census
1911/Reginald Turner/Son, Paper Mill Clerk/14/Maidstone, Kent/Census
1911/Sidney Turner/Son/9/Maidstone, Kent/Census

1913/Henry Joseph Turner/../../../Post Office Directory

George Edwin Amos Bates was at the Rose & Crown, West Malling until at least 1911

1918/George Edwin Amos Bates/../../../Post Office Directory

1922/Geo Edwin Amos Bates/../../../Post Office Directory

1923/George Edwin Amos Bates of the Flower Pot Inn Sandling road Maidstone Kent died 21 October 1923 Probate London 3 December to Mary Ellen McMann spinster. Effects £2206 1s 3d

1930/John Goodbody/../../../Post Office Directory

1938/Mrs I Goodbody/../../../Post Office Directory

** Provided By Stephen Harris


And Last updated on: Friday, 09-Feb-2024 13:25:56 GMT