Morning Star, 48 Boxley Road, Maidstone

Maidstone pub history index

Directory of Pubs in the UK, historical public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in Maidstone, Kent . The Maidstone,  Kent listing uses information from census, Trade Directories and History to add licensees, bar staff, Lodgers and Visitors.

Residents at this address

1858/William Finch/../../../Melvilles Directory

1861/William Finch/Beer Seller/37/Broomfield, Kent/Census
1861/Harriet Finch/Wife/35/Loose, Kent/Census
1861/Edmund Finch/Son/9/Maidstone, Kent/Census
1861/Stephen Finch/Son/7/Maidstone, Kent/Census
1861/Frederick Finch/Son/5/Maidstone, Kent/Census
1861/Edith Finch/Daughter/10 months/Maidstone, Kent/Census
1861/William Knight/Lodger, Agricultural Labourer/67/Maidstone, Kent/Census

1862/William Finch/Beer Retailer/../../Post Office Directory

1881/Mark Nye/Beer House Keeper/47/Maidstone, Kent,/Census
1881/Mary A Nye/Wife/60/Pembury, Kent/Census
1881/Mark Nye/Son, Barman/18/Maidstone, Kent,/Census
1881/Anne Lusher/Visitor/24/Appleby, Norfolk/Census

1891/Charles Avery/Beer Retailer/../../Post Office Directory

1903/Harry Crocker/Beer Retailer/../../Post Office Directory

Frederick Peters    Caroline Peters, along with their son, Reginald Peters

The two pictures are of Frederick Peters, and his wife Caroline, along with their son, Reginald Peters

Kindly provided by Will Peters

Great Grandad Frederick Peters was at the Morning Star, 48 Boxley Road, Maidstone. Also, this is my Great grand mother, Caroline Peters; the boy is Reginald Peters who later (much later) operated The White Lion, 70 Cheriton High Street, Cheriton, Folkestone ***

1913/Frederick Peters/Beer Retailer/../../Post Office Directory

1918/Frederick Peters/Beer Retailer/../../Post Office Directory

*** Provided By Will Peters


And Last updated on: Friday, 09-Feb-2024 13:26:00 GMT