Wheatsheaf, 301 Loose Road, Maidstone

At Goose Road in 1862, then at Loose Road & Sutton Road in 1903 & earlier

Maidstone pub history index

Directory of Pubs in the UK, historical public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in Maidstone, Kent . The Maidstone,  Kent listing uses information from census, Trade Directories and History to add licensees, bar staff, Lodgers and Visitors.

Wheatsheaf, 301 Loose Road, Maidstone - in July 2011

Wheatsheaf, 301 Loose Road, Maidstone - in July 2011

Kindly provided by Stephen Harris

Residents at this address

1840/Richard Mills/../../../Pigots Directory

1847/Geo. Pennett/../../../Bagshaw’s Directory **

1851/W Antrim/../../../Essex, Herts, Kent, Middlesex, Surrey & Sussex Directory

1851/William Antrum/Licensed Victualler/39/Loose, Kent/Census
1851/Charlotte Antrum/Wife/40/Maidstone, Kent/Census
1851/Edward Antrum/Son/4/Maidstone, Kent/Census

1855/W Antrum/../../../Essex, Herts, Kent, Middlesex, Surrey & Sussex Directory

1861/William Antrum/Licensed Victualler/49/Loose, Kent/Census
1861/Charlotte Antrum/Wife/51/Tenterden, Kent/Census

1862/William Antrum/../../../Post Office Directory

1867/George Brown/../../../Post Office Directory

1871/Susan Brown/Inn Keeper, Widow/50/Loose, Kent/Census
1871/William Brown/Son/15/Ryarsh, Kent/Census
1871/Henrietta Brown/Daughter/17/Snodland, Kent/Census
1871/Sarah Brown/Daughter/13/Snodland, Kent/Census
1871/Susannah Brown/Daughter/8/Snodland, Kent/Census
1871/Sarah Kingsnorth/Sister, retired Inn Keepers Wife/57/Loose, Kent/Census

1874/John Lashmar Field/../../../Post Office Directory

1881/John Lashmar Field/Inn Keeper/60/Goudhurst, Kent/Census
1881/Sarah Field/Wife/58/Swingfield, Kent/Census

1882/John Henry Hicknott/../../../Post Office Directory

1891/Edward Morris/../../../Post Office Directory

1899/Wm. Sydney Isaac/../../../Kelly’s Directory **

1903/W S Isaacs/../../../Post Office Directory

1904/Mrs Isaacs/../../../Kent Messenger Maidstone Directory **

1911/William Tomlinson/Publican/42/San Francisco/Census
1911/Florence Tomlinson/Wife/37/Fordcombe/Census
1911/Frederick Cousens/Barman/26/Canterbury/Census

1913/Herbert William J Tomlinson/../../../Post Office Directory

1918/O F Leigh/../../../Post Office Directory

1922/O F Leigh/../../../Post Office Directory

1930/Chas J Moss/../../../Post Office Directory

1938/Geo H Finch/../../../Post Office Directory

** Provided By Stephen Harris


And Last updated on: Friday, 09-Feb-2024 13:26:07 GMT