Crown Inn, Seal, Sevenoaks

Seal pub history index

Directory of Pubs in the UK, historical public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in Seal, Sevenoaks, Kent .

Residents at this address

1858/Catherine Sharp/../../../Melvilles Directory

1882/Robert Webb/../../../Post Office Directory

In 1911 at Crown Inn Seal Sevenoaks, Seal
Herbert G N Fenner, Licensed victualler, aged 40 years, and born in Ticehurst Sussex
Henry Hornby, Brother-in-law, Coachman, Widower , aged 53 years, and born in Bilton Yorkshire
Ethel Hornby, Niece, aged 10 years, and born in Seal Kent
Ellen Sone, Cousin, Housekeeper, aged 39 years, and born in Ticehurst Sussex
Leslie Robert Ward, Servant, aged 18 years, and born in Chelsea London

1913/Herbert Fenner/../../../Post Office Directory

1918/Herbert Fenner/../../../Post Office Directory

In 1921 at High street, Seal
Herbert Fenner, Publican, aged 49 years 4 months, and born in Ticehurst, Kent, Own Account
Ellen Fenner, Wife, Publican, aged 49 years 3 months, and born in Ticehurst, Kent
Ethel Hornby, Niece, Publican, aged 20 years 6 months, and born in Seal, Kent

1922/Herbert Fenner, Crown Inn, cars for hire/../../Post Office Directory

1930/E Williams/../../../Post Office Directory

1938/E A Williams, Crown Inn/../../Post Office Directory

And Last updated on: Friday, 09-Feb-2024 13:31:35 GMT