Plough, 58 East Street, Sittingbourne

At 58 High Street east in 1874. This pub is now demolished. **

Sittingbourne pub history index

Directory of Pubs in the UK, historical public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in Sittingbourne, Kent . The Sittingbourne,  Kent listing uses information from census, Trade Directories and History to add licensees, bar staff, Lodgers and Visitors.

Residents at this address

1832/James Watson/../../../Pigot’s Directory **

1839/James Watson/../../../Pigot’s Directory **

1840/William Pay/../../../Pigot’s Directory **

1847/William Pay/../../../Bagshaw’s Directory **

1855/James Hammon/../../../Post Office Directory **

1858/James Hammon/../../../Melvilles Directory

1862/James Hammon/../../../Post Office Directory

1870/Joseph Barnett/../../../Post Office Directory **

1874/John Noble/../../../Post Office Directory

1881/George Noble/Licensed Victualler/35/Luddenham, Kent/Census
1881/Fanny Noble/Wife/37/Graveney, Kent/Census
1881/John Thos Noble/Son, Carpenter/13/Graveney, Kent/Census
1881/Alice Ann Noble/Daughter/11/Milton, Kent/Census
1881/Horace Geo Noble/Son/9/Milton, Kent/Census
1881/Ernest Noble/Son/7/Milton, Kent/Census
1881/Maud Mary Noble/Daughter/4/Sittingbourne, Kent/Census
1881/Annie Elizth Noble/Daughter/2/Sittingbourne, Kent/Census

1882/Williss Hubbard/../../../Post Office Directory

1899/Alfred Robert Sage/../../../Kelly’s Directory **

1901/Edwin G Sage/Licensed Victualler/36/Sittingbourne, Kent/Census
1901/Elizabeth A Sage/Wife/32/Sheerness, Kent/Census
1901/Edwin G Sage/Son/8/Sittingbourne, Kent/Census
1901/Constance F Sage/Daughter/5/Sittingbourne, Kent/Census
1901/Flossie Sage/Niece/15/Sittingbourne, Kent/Census
1901/Mary Chapman/Barmaid/25/Ealing, Middlesex/Census
1901/Maud Waycott/Boarder, Public School Teacher/21/Frindesbury, Kent/Census

1903/E & E Sage/../../../Kelly’s Directory of Kent **

1913/Williss John Foard/../../../Post Office Directory

1918/George Datson/../../../Post Office Directory

1922/George Datson/../../../Post Office Directory

1930/George Datson/../../../Post Office Directory

1938/Mrs Rebecca Caroline Datson/../../../Post Office Directory

** Provided By Stephen Harris

And Last updated on: Friday, 09-Feb-2024 13:31:59 GMT