Old Gun, 1 London Road, Strood, Rochester

Strood pub history index

Directory of Pubs in the UK, London historical public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in Strood, Kent .

Listed as Cuxton Road in 1858 Directory.

Old Gun, 1 London Road

Old Gun, 1 London Road

Both kindly provided by Roy Barrett

Residents at this address

1858/John Goldston/../../../Melvilles Directory

1881/William Rout/Beer Retailor/52/Tivetshall, Norfolk/Census
1881/Eleanor Rout/Wife/49/Shelfhanger, Norfolk/Census
1881/George Wiatt/Lodger, Labourer (Farm)/45/Strood, Kent/Census
1881/Shadrack Cole/Lodger, Labourer (Farm)/39/Laycock, Wiltshire/Census
1881/Thomas Allen/Lodger, Labourer (Farm)/48/Hereford/Census
1881/Thomas Honey/Lodger, Labourer (Farm)/43/Mereworth, Kent/Census
1881/George King/Lodger, Labourer (Farm)/48/Gillingham, Kent,/Census
1881/John Brown/Lodger, Labourer (Farm)/44/Gachester, Cambridge/Census
1881/John Warton/Lodger, Labourer (Farm)/37/Hornchurch ?, Kent/Census
1881/Amos Eveling/Lodger, Labourer (Farm)/22/Mereworth, Kent/Census
1881/Henry Jones/Lodger, Labourer (Farm)/45/Frindsbury, Kent/Census
1881/Charles Flood/Lodger, Labourer (Farm)/28/Sittingbourne, Kent/Census
1881/Samuel Every/Lodger, Labourer (Farm)/50/Tenterden, Kent/Census
1881/John Every/Lodger, Labourer (Farm)/15/Gravesend, Kent/Census
1881/John Huges/Lodger, Labourer (Farm)/47/Antrim Belfast/Census
1881/Thomas Covell/Lodger, Labourer (Farm)/51/Faversham, Kent/Census
1881/James Savill/Lodger, Labourer (Farm)/59/Rainham, Kent/Census
1881/James Wallis/Lodger, Labourer (Farm)/45/Chelmsford, Essex/Census
1881/James West/Lodger, Labourer (Farm)/55/Gravesend, Kent/Census

1882/Robert Easto/../../../Post Office Directory

1901/Geo Hawkins/Beer House & Lodging House Keeper/30/Higham, Kent/Census
1901/Rose Hawkins/Wife/29/Maidstone, Kent/Census
1901/Geo Hawkins/Son/3/Strood, Kent/Census
+ Lodgers etc

1913/Chas Taylor/../../../Post Office Directory

1918/Charles Taylor/../../../Post Office Directory

1922/Charles Taylor/../../../Post Office Directory

1930/Chas David/../../../Post Office Directory

1938/Chas David/../../../Post Office Directory

*** Provided By Roy Barrett

And Last updated on: Friday, 09-Feb-2024 13:32:34 GMT