Joiners Arms, 37 Goods Station Road, Tunbridge Wells

Tunbridge Wells pub history index

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Joiners Arms, Tunbridge Wells

Joiners Arms, Tunbridge Wells

Kindly provided by Colleen

Residents at this address

My Great Great grandfather, Ludwig Kessler was working from the site in 1862 as a professor of music no less. He appears in the local trade directory for that year. He was certainly a musician, an immigrant from germany, I think he was using the site to provide music lessons and sell instruments. Again I think it was common for pubs to be used in this way at the time. It seems likely that he was actually running the pub, as I have evidence of him applying for additional licences, which were objected to by other local publicans and turned down by the authorities. He is at the Rose and Crown up until 1967.
He subsequently became a band leader in the town and appeared at several local events as advertised in local newspapers.
He died very young at age 37 in 1872 and is buried in the local cemetery. *

Maidstone Journal and Kentish Advertiser 27 February 1869
Unstamped and Unjust measures:
Mr Ludwig Kessler, Joiners Arms beerhouse, for having one quart and two pint measures unstamped, was fined 1 shilling and costs.

Maidstone Journal and Kentish Advertiser 13 September 1869 :
The Joiners Arms, Goods Station road - Mr Cripps at the Petty Sessions on Monday, on behalf of Mr Ludwig Kessler applied for a license to sell spirituous liquors at his house which had been for several years kept as a beerhouse.
Mr Langham opposed on behalf of the landlord of the Elephant and Castle, and Messrs Kelsey the owners. The Bench refused to grant the application on the ground that the house was but a small one.

In the 1871 census he is found at the The Druids Inn, in Hastings.

1913/Frank Strange/Beer Retailer/../../Post Office Directory

1918/Frank Strange/Beer Retailer/../../Post Office Directory

1922/Frank Strange/Beer Retailer/../../Post Office Directory

1930/Chas Voller/Beer Retailer/../../Post Office Directory

1938/H G Mills/../../../Post Office Directory

* Provided by Ray Kessler

And Last updated on: Friday, 09-Feb-2024 13:33:36 GMT