London 1746 Rocques map

Liverpool directories in 1860 - Licensee surname N

Liverpool pub history

  1. Nash Edward, 225, Bedford street, Toxteth park
  2. Naylor Elizabeth, 70, Norfolk street
  3. Naylor Margaret, 23, Greek street, and 129, Copperas hill
  4. Naylor William, Moreton, Cheshire— Farmers Inn
  5. Naylor William F. 13, Great Charlotte street — Vine Hotel
  6. Neal Richard, 12, Richmond street
  7. Neale Absalom, Waterloo — Ship
  8. Neil Philip, 22, Gi’eenland street — Greenland Vaults
  9. Newall John, 64, Oldkall street — Victoria Vaults
  10. Newton George J. 1, Essex street, Toxteth park — King’s Arms
  11. Nichol John, 10, Murray street — The Dart
  12. Nicholas Thomas, 40, Nelson street
  13. Nicholls Richard, 32, Cable street — Freemasons’ Hotel
  14. Nicholson Agnes, 372, Great Howard street — Mersey Hotel
  15. Nicholson Elizabeth, 29, Stanhope street
  16. Nicholson Isaac, 80, Paradise street
  17. Nicholson John, 33 and 35, Berry street
  18. Nicholson William, 26, Dale street — Manchester Tavern
  19. Nickson Samuel, 44, Stanley street
  20. Nickson Thomas, 37, Blundell street — Fylde Tavern
  21. Nisbett Andrew, 41, Brownlow hill — Lady of the Lake
  22. Nixon Mary, Rice lane, Walton — Plough
  23. Noblet James, 46, Norfolk street — Oddfellows’ Arms
  24. Nod well William, 38, Mersey street— Green House
  25. Nonnan Peter, 46, Chapel street
  26. Norris Helen, Kensington road, Kirkdale — Saddle Vaults
  27. North Richard, 92 and 94, Netherfield road North
  28. Nuttall James, 10, Blair street — John Bull
  29. Nuttall Thomas, 21, Canning place — Swan-with-Two-Necks
  30. Nuttall William M. 101, Marybone
And Last updated on: Wednesday, 02-Oct-2024 09:31:49 BST