Eagle Inn, 76 Warwick Road, Banbury, Oxfordshire

Banbury pub history index

The address is 56 Warwick road in the 1881 census. Listed as being in Neithrop in the 1881 census

Historical London public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in Oxfordshire.

Residents at this address.

1881/Reuben Butler/Beerhouse Keeper & Baker/51/Stoke Lyne Bicester, Oxford/Census
1881/Sarah A Butler/Wife/53/Walton In The Naze, Essex/Census
1881/Emily Butler/Daughter/17/Neithrop, Oxford/Census
1881/William Butler/Son, Bakers Assistant/16/Neithrop, Oxford/Census
1881/Jane Sheppard/Domestic Servant/19/Ratley, Warwick/Census
1881/William Arnell/Errand Boy/16/Alkerton, Warwick/Census

1884/R Butler/../../../Rushers Banbury Directory

07 May 1891 - Banbury Advertiser _ Licence transfers
the Eagle, Warwck road, to Joseph Manning

1939/Jas Wilson/../../../Kellys Directory

And Last updated on: Friday, 09-Feb-2024 14:55:12 GMT