London 1746 Rocques map

Spelsbury, Oxfordshire 1863 Directory

Directory of Pubs in the UK, historical public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in Oxfordshire. The Oxfordshire listing uses information from census, Trade Directories and History to add licensees, bar staff, Lodgers and Visitors.

The following entries are in this format:

Year/Publican or other Resident/Relationship to Head and or Occupation/Age/Where Born/Source.

Spelsbury 1863 Dutton, Allen & Co Directory listing

SPELSBURY parish includes the hamlets of Dean, Fulwell, and Taston. The village is situate in the Chipping Norton union, and Chadlington hundred, l 1/2 miles N.W. from Charlbury, and 5 miles S. from Chipping Norton. The church is an ancient building, in good repair, comprising chancel, nave, and aisle, with a western tower containing six bells; the interior is the resting place of the celebrated Earl of Rochester; it also contains monuments to the family of Lichfield, and Sir Henry Lee, of Ditchley (whose remains are interred here), one of the principal characters of Scott's romance called " Woodstock." The living is a vicarage in the gift of Christ Church College, Oxford, value £250 per annum; vicar, the Rev. Thomas Childe Barker. Free Schools were erected in 1840 by Viscount Dillon, and are entirely supported by him. One of the handsomest water fountains in the Kingdom was erected for the accomodation of the villagers in 1859, by the Dowager Viscountess Dillon, at a cost of £800, in memory of her son, the Hon. Constantino Augustus Dillon, who was drowned while crossing a ford in Australia; it is built in the Gothic style, and is composed of polished Scotch granite and Portland stone. The Right Hon. Viscount Charles Henry Dillon is owner of the soil and lord of the manor.
Dean is a township to Spelsbury, from which place it is distant three quarters of a mile. The village contains but a few farm houses, and several cottages.
Fulwell is a hamlet to Spelsbury, 2 miles N.E. distant, and half-a-mile S. from Enstone.
Taston is also a hamlet of Spelsbury, distant three-quarters of a mile E. The village is small, comprising only a few farm houses. Here are the remains of an ancient cross. The population of the entire parish in 1861 was 516.

Barker Rev Thomas Childe, (vicar)
Dillon Riight Hon. Viscount Charles Henry, Ditchley house
Dillon Dowager Viscountess, Spelsbury bouse
Greame H. esq. Dean house

Apstone Thomas, blacksmith, Taston
Benfield Job, shopkeeper
Bridges William, farmer and engineer, Fulwell
Claridge Edwin, farmer, Taston
Claridge Frederick, farmer, Dean
Collins Thomas, farmer, Fulwell
Corbett George, wood turner
Coventry Sarah, laundress
East John, farmer, Dean
Edenborough Charlotte, shopkeeper
Fowler Richard, shopkeeper and carrier
Gardiner John, farmer, Dean
Gibbons Edwin, farmer, Ditchley
Hall Thomas, parish clerk and sexten
Harris John, farmer Taston
Harris Robert, farmer, Taston
Harris Alfred, farmer, Taston
Hiatt James, shoemaker, Fulwell
Hiorns George, farmer and cattle dealer, New barn, Ditchley
Howse James, shoemaker, Dean
Howse John, shoemaker, Taston
Humphries George, miller, corn dealer and overseer, Coldron mill
Irvings Amos, wheelwright & carpenter, Taston
Irvings Wm., wheelwright and carpenter, Dean
Kitchen Joshua, gardener, Dean
Lay Charles, Chequers, and slater and plasterer
Mace Robert Harris, shopkeeper, Taston
Pratt Robert, farmer
Pritchett Samuel, farmer, Vicarage farm
Rogers Henry, former, Ditchley lodge
Rook Ralph, blacksmith, Taston
Sturdy Charles, farmer, Dean
Sturdy John, farmer and overseer
Watson W. schoolmaster, land surveyor, and assistant overseer

Letters through Enstone.
Carrier To Chipping Norton. Richard Fowler, every wed.

And Last updated on: Wednesday, 02-Oct-2024 11:21:33 BST