Horse & Jockey, 2 St Mary's Road, Manton, Oakham LE15 8SU

Manton pub history index

irectory of Pubs in the UK historical public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in Rutlandshire.

Residents at this address

1881/Mrs Fras Wigginton/Horse & Jockey/../../Post Office Directory

1881/Fanny Wigginton/Inn Keeper, Widow/64/Manton, Rutland/Census
1881/Clara Wigginton/Grand Daughter/7/Martinsthorpe, Rutland/Census
1881/Lucy Walker/Servant/15/Oakham, Rutland/Census

1928/George Culpin/../../../Post Office Directory

My parents took the Horse & Jockey on in September 1971 - dad was there for over 34yrs (I was there from 3mths old to 25yrs)

I’m pretty sure Mum and dad would love to fill in some details .

Mum is still in touch with a number of the old landladies -and she also has pics of her winning barmaid of year in 1970s/80s

Dad was social secretary of the Stamford and Rutland LVA

2018, Horse & Jockey, 2 St Mary's Road, Manton, Oakham LE15 8SU

* Provided by Ian Stanley

And Last updated on: Friday, 09-Feb-2024 15:01:38 GMT