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History of Suffolk - Ipswich Commercial Traders 1865 - C

Post Office Directory of 1865.

The Commercial traders in Ipswich in 1865, surname C.

Cade Emma (Miss), ladies' & preparatory school, 24 Church street, St. Clement's
Cade Robert, photographic artist, 10 Orwell place
Calver Caroline (Miss), milliner, 3 Neale st. St. Matthew's
Calvert Maria (Mrs.), young ladies' boarding school, 153 Norwich road
Cameron Hugh, linen & woollen draper, 71 St. Matthew's
Canham Charles, builder, 43 Back hamlet
Canham Noah Clarke, brick & tile maker, Back hamlet
Cant William, baker, 63 London road
Capron Edgar, cabinet maker, 51 Upper Orwell street
Carr John Kettle, shoemaker, 6 Tower terrace
Carter Jonathan, baker, 5 Bridge street. Stoke
Carter William, shirt maker, hosier & glover, 4 Tavern street.
Carver William Michael, painter & glazier, 36 Handford road
Cass Mary (Mrs.), dress maker, 24 Museum street
Catchpole Nathaniel & Co. brewers & wine & spirit merchants, Unicorn brewery, Foundation street
Catchpole Edmund, shopkeeper, Fitzroy street
Catchpole Giles, carpenter, Cauldwell Hall road, California
Catchpole John, baker, Upper Victoria street, St. Helen's
Catchpole John Nathaniel, baker, 10 Eagle street
Catchpole Robert, bill poster, 52 Old Foundry road
Catchpole William, brewer &c. ship owner, & one of the lessees of the Corn Exchange, see Catchpole N. & Co
Cater Benjamin, cattle dealer, 65 New Station road
Cater Eliza (Mrs.), fishmonger, 25 Queen street
Catley Austin, Falcon inn, Queen street, & proprietor of the New Music hall, Falcon street & Rosherville Gardens, London road
Catt William, coach builder, 47 to 51 St. Matthew's street
Cattermole Alfred, furniture broker & shopkeeper, 12 Victoria 9treet, St. Clement's
Cattermole Joseph Rotherham, architect & surveyor, 58 Carr street
Cattermole Keziah, baker, 23 Victoria street, St. Clement's
Cattermole William, jun. builder, 21 St. Helen's street
Catton Isaac, shopkeeper, Hawes street, Stoke
Caudwell Elkanah, beer retailer, 34 Fore st. St. Clement's
Chamberlain Herbert, managing clerk to the Ipswich district registry of H. M.'s court of probate, 15 Museum st
Chandler Henry, beer retailer, 293 Woodbridge road
Channing Peter, fruiterer & beer retailer, Bath street & at The Market
Chaplin Abcdnego, general ironmonger, 36 Old Butter market
Chaplin Francis, fruiterer, 19 St. Matthew's street
Chaplin Frederick, carpenter, 40 Norwich road
Chaplin John, beer retailer, 33 Princes street
Chaplin Shadrack, dining rooms, 13 Orwell place
Chapman Henry k Co. pharmaceutical chemists, chemical manure manufacturers, & guano & oil cake merchants, 17 Cornhill: manure manufactory at Brainford
Chapman Charles, baker & confectioner, 1 & 3 Crown street
Chapman Charles, beer retailer, 21 New Friars road
Chapman Charles, cabinet maker, Tanners' lane
Chapman Samuel, upholsterer, 56 Woodbridge road
Chevallier Barrington, M.D.,lunatic asylum, The Grove, St. Helen's
Chilver George, chemist, 8 The Mount
Chinery Robert, beer retailer, 1 Tacket street
Chisnall Thomas, carpenter & builder, 65 Fore street, St. Clement's
Christian Edward, professor of languages, 23 Fonnereau road
Christie Edward, master mariner, 96 Victoria st. London rd
Christie John, coal & salt merchant & ship owner, Salt House quay
Christie Mary Ann (Mrs.), pawnbroker, 89 & 91 Fore street, St. Clement's
Christopherson Ross, auctioneer, valuer, estate agent & share broker, actuary of the Queen street Savings bank,& agent for the Caledonian Life Insurance Company, 9 Queen st
Church Edward, coach & sign painter, 48 Lady lane
Church John, boot & shoe maker, 22 Northgate street
Church John Charles, newsvendor, 32 Lady lane
Churchman Henry Charles, wholesale & retail tobacco, cigar & snuff manufacturer, 58 & 60 Westgate street, Hyde Park corner
Churchyard George, pork butcher, 1 Rope walk
Churchyard James, poulterer & licensed dealer in game, 17 Queen street
Clark Elizabeth (Mrs.), dress maker, 9 Carr street
Clark Henry, tailor, 20 Tacket street
Clark Joseph, butcher, 4 Tanners' lane
Clarke Alfred & Frederick, carpenters, Cauldwell Hall road, California
Clarke Alfred & William R. drapers, hosiers &c. 71 Fore street, St. Clement's
Clarke H. k Co. (limited), wholesale & export shoe manufacturers, 10 Princes street
Clarke Joshua & Cornelius, soap & candle manufacturers, inciters &c. Greyfriars road & Commercial road
Clarke Harriet (Mrs.), milliner, 37 St. Nicholas street
Clarke Harriet Maria (Miss), ladies' boarding school, 106 London road
Clarke Isaac, chimney sweeper, 5 Rose lane
Clarke James, baker, 7 Eagle street
Clarke James, beer retailer, 33 New Station road
Clarke James, blacksmith, Lower Orwell street
Clarke James, carpenter, Chenery street
Clarke John Stamford, boot & shoe maker, 22 Fore street, St. Clement's
Clarke Joseph, commercial boarding house, 85 & 87 Berners street
Clarke Louisa (Mrs.), Victoria, 25 Berners street
Clarke Mary Ann (Mrs.), greengrocer, 31 Friars street
Clarke Robert, boot ic shoe manufacturer, 17 St. Peter's st
Clarke Saml. civil engineer & surveyor 27 Upper Brook st
Clarke Thomas, coach body maker, 17 Tanners' lane
Clarke Thomas (Mrs.), dress maker, 6 The Mount
Clarke William, boot & shoe maker, 15 Lower King street
Clarke William, ladies' boot & shoe maker, 4 Lower Orwell st
Clarke William, tailor & woollen draper, 4 Upper Brook st
Clarke William Bernard, M.D. surgeon, Halifax,Wherstead rd
Clarkson Thos. brazier & tin plate worker, Great Coleman st
Clayton Louis, May Bush, 43 St. Helen's street
Clifton George, homoeopathic chemist, 15 Westgate street
Clubbe Horace, plumber, 11 East street
Cobb William, photographic artist, Norwich road
Cobbold & Co. brewers, salt, coal, corn & general merchants & ship owners; office, Fore street, St. Clement's Cobbold & Son, wine, spirit & brandy merchants, 28 Lower Brook street
Cobbold & Yarington, solicitors, 21 Tower street
Cobbold Alfred (firm, Cobbold & Yarington), solicitor, notary public, commissioner to administer oaths in chancery, the common law courts & in the high court of admiralty, clerk to the guardians of Bosmere & Claydon union, secretary to the Ipswich Maritime Association, 21 Tower street
Cobbold Harriett (Mrs.), dress maker, 54 Norwich road
Cocker James, Griffin, Griffin wharf
Cocks George, grocer, 1 Victoria street, London road
Cocks John, baker, 58 Bell lane, Stoke
Cocks Robert, pastry cook & confectioner, 38 St. Matthew's st
Codgbrook Johu, beer retailer, 45 St. Nicholas street
Colchester William, artificial manure manufacturer & ship & boat builder; manure works, Griffin wharf, Dock side, Stoke; ship yard, St. Clement's
Cole Benjamin, shoe maker, 254 Woodbridge road
Cole Hannah (Miss), mantle maker, 14 Providence street
Cole James, master mariner, 53 Great Whip street, Stoke
Cole John Fenn, licentiate in dental surgery of the Royal College of Surgeons, & member of the Odontological Society of Great Britain, 11 Museum street
Cole Mary Ann (Mrs.),shopkeeper, 10 Upper Barclay street
Cole Robert James, corn chandler, 21 St. Peter's street
Coleman James, french polisher, 15 Silent street
Coleman John, boot & shoe maker, 40 Tacket street
Coleman John, umbrella maker, & dealer in marine stores, 40 Fore street, St. Clement's, & 51 Austin street, Stoke
Coleman Joseph, painter & glazier, 20 Falcon street
Coleman Samuel, shoe maker, 33 Albion street
Collier Edward, wood turner, 34 Rope walk
Collins James & Sons, cabinet makers & upholsterers, 21 Westgate street
Collins Caroline (Mrs.), milliner, 48 Carr street
Collins Sergt.-Major Chas. drill instructor, 38 St. Nicholas st
Collins George, basket maker, 15 St. Helen's street
Collins Henry, beer retailer & shoe maker, 21 Orwell Works rd
Collins Henry, silk mercer, general draper, haberdasher etc, 15 Old Butter market
Collins Robert, basket maker, 45 Upper Brook street
Collinson Matthew Henry, grocer, 1A, Woodbridge road
Colthorpe John, greengrocer, 22 Lower Orwell street
Conder Thomas Everett & Josiah, leather merchants & curriers, & agents to the Gutta Percha & India Rubber
Companies, 48 Old Butter market
Conder Frederic, linen draper, silk mercer, hosier, haberdasher & funeral furnisher, Tavern street
Cook Augustus, beer retailer, 14 Stoke street, Stoke
Cook Charles, beer retailer, Cauldwell Hall road, California
Cook David, greengrocer, New Friars road
Cook Edward J. estate agent, 8 Providence street
Cook Elizabeth (Mrs.), wardrobe dealer, Dog's Head lane
Cook Frederick Vince, shoeing smith, 12 St. Margaret's plain
Cook George, shoe maker, 17 Albion street
Cook Harriet (Mrs.), corn chandler, 67 Fore hamlet
Cook Henry, job master, 66 St. Matthew's street
Cook Henry Durrant, tailor, 19 John street, Bird's gardens
Cook James William, soda water manufacturer & fruiterer, 27 St. Peter's street, Greyfriars road
Cook John, master mariner, Quay side
Cook John, news vendor & stationer, 2 St. Helen's street
Cook John (Mrs.), milliner, see Deward & Cook
Cook Joseph, beer retailer & boot & shoe maker, Foxhall road, California
Cook Nathaniel Whimperton, baker, 1 St. Margaret's plain
Cook Osbert Denton, master mariner, 13 College street
Cook Thomas, beer retailer, I Tower terrace
Cooke Charles John, professor of music, 8 Neale street
Cooke Jonathan, boot k shoe maker, 17 Fore street, St. Clement's
Cooper Charlotte (Mrs.), dress maker, 12 Providence street
Cooper Daniel, grocer &c. 23 Now Friars road
Cooper Edward, fishmonger, 65 St. Matthew's street
Cooper Emma (Mrs.), beer retailer, 28 Carr street
Cooper Francis, carpenter, 48 Foundation street
Cooper John, flour dealer, 5 Tacket street
Cooper John, agricultural implement maker & general smith, St. Margaret's green
Cooper Thomas, porkman & poulterer, 8 Carr street
Copping George, butcher, & Spread Eagle, 1 & 3 Fore street, St. Clement's
Corbyn William, tailor, 3 Berners street
Corbyn William,jun. (Mrs.), ladies' school, 116 London road
Corder Frederic, general draper, silk mercer, & haberdasher, 18 Tavern street
Cordingley John, shipwright, Fore hamlet
Cordingley John, timber merchant, 85 Woodbridge road
Corley John, fellmonger, Tanners' lane
Cornell Philip James, chemist & druggist, 14 Tavern street
Corner Susan (Miss), seminary, Dock side, Stoke
Cornish Emma (Mrs.), dress maker, 30 St. George's street
Cornish Samuel, boot & shoe maker, 9 St. Margaret's street
Cossey Richard, bricklayer, Orford street
County Court Office (Charles Pretyman, esq. registrar), 8 Silent street
Cousin Joseph, job master, 47 Tower terrace
Cowell & Co. corn & coal merchants & maltsters, 30 Fore street, St. Clement's
Cowell Samuel Harrison, wholesale stationer, letterpress, anastatic & lithographic printer, machine ruler & account book & paper bag manufacturer, Old Butter market.
Cowell S. H. wholesale tea dealer, & wine, spirit, bottled ale & porter merchant, New Market lane
Cowles Robert, shopkeeper, 34 Black Horse lane
Cox George, butcher, 120 Fore street, St. Clement's
Cox John, pork butcher, 15 � St. Matthew's street
Cox Samuel, cattle & pig dealer, 39 Handford road
Cracknell Hannah (Miss), berlin wool warehouse, 10 Berners street
Cracknell John, master mariner, Stoke
Crake Frederick, watch maker & jeweller, 12 College street
Crapnell Joseph, blacksmith, 30 Bell lane, Stoke
Cremer Edward, Wherry Quay inn. Wherry quay
Cresswell George, hair dresser & perfumer, 41 Tavern street
Cresswell William, engineer at the gas works, 13 Orwell terrace. Borough road
Creswell Elizabeth (Mrs.), ladies' boot k shoe maker, 30 Friars street
Creswell Henry King, baker etc. 42 St. Nicholas street
Crisp Charles, furrier & straw hat maker, 22 Falcon street
Crisp Frederick, painter & glazier, 40 Foundation street
Cross Alfred, wood turner, 3 St. Stephen's lane
Crouch Lawrance (Mrs.), hair dresser, 113 Fore street, St. Clement's
Croxon James, Gun inn, & dealer in marine stores, 10 Key street, & Lower Orwell street
Croydon Jane (Mrs.), hosier & outfitter, 46 Fore street, St. Clement's
Cuckow James, ship owner, ship chandler & store dealer, sail maker & general merchant, Quay wharf
Cuckow Thomas, Ram inn, & sail maker, 32 Key street
Cullioghani Charles, brewer etc. see Blogg & Cullingham
Cullingham Charles, maltster, London road
Cumming Alexander, surveyor & builder, 105 Fore street, St. Clement's
Cuuimings Valentine, baker, 32 Station street, Stoke
Cunby Elizabeth (Mrs.), greengrocer, 16 Upper Victoria street, St. Clement's
Cunnell � (Mrs.), tailoress, 8 Friars street
Cunnold William Goodwin, builder & general contractor, Woodbridge road
Curtis Daniel, Rose inn, 5 St. Peter's Street
Curtis Etheridge, corn, coal, seed, salt & oil cake merchant, commission agent, & agent for Lawes' manure, 6 Queen street; office. 3 Princes street; stores, at the Quay
Curtis George, carpenter, 6 Upper Orwell street
Curtis George, tailor, 50 St. Helen's street
Curtis William, Ship Launch, St. Clement's
Cuthbert Edward, plumber & house decorator, 17 Carr st
Cuthbert Henrv. brewer & maltster, see Bridge & Cuthbert
Cutting John, dealer in marine stores, 39 Lady lane
Cutting John, shoe maker, 5 Salthouse street, St. Clement's
Cutting Miles, patent medicine vendor, 20 Great Coleman st

And Last updated on: Wednesday, 02-Oct-2024 15:01:18 BST