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History of Suffolk - Snape 1865

Post Office Directory of 1865.

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SNAPE is a parish and village, in Plomesgate union and hundred, county court district of Framlingham and Saxmundham, rural deanery of Orford, archdeaconry of Sudbury, and diocese of Norwich, East Suffolk, 3 ½ miles south-by-east from Saxmundham, and 5 ½ from Aldborougb. The church of St. John the Baptist has a tower of Saxon architecture, containing 3 bells, and was restored in 1864, at a cost of £300: the font is old, and has sculptured figures portrayed on its sides. The parish register dates from 1544. The living is a vicarage, annexed to that of Friston, in the gift of Col. Richard Howard Vyse, of Stoke, Bucks, and with Queen Anne's Bounty the united value of both parishes amounts to £182 per annum; the incumbent is the Rev. Robert Baker, M.A., who serves this church and Friston, morning and evening service being alternately changed to suit the convenience of each parish. Here is a National school. The principal village, or, as it is termed, "Snape Street," is about a mile from the church. Snape Abbey, in the immediate neighbourhood of the village, is now a farmhouse, in the possession of the Grooms, and excepting the occasional exhumation of skeletons, coins, and other relics of bygone days, and a few stones used in the out-buildings, no vestige is left of its former importance. About a quarter of a mile from Snape Street is SNAPS BRIDGE, where an annual horse fair is held on the 11th of August. The opposite bank of the river Aide lies in the hamlet of Dunningworth and the pariah of Tunstall, but the wharfs on each side of the bridge are occupied by Mr. Newson Garrett. A branch of the Great Eastern Railway to Snape Bridge is now completed, and has a station here for goods only. There is a National school adjacent to Snape church, which educates 130 children, boys and girls. (For charities, see Friston.) In the parish are two barrows, and there are sand and clay pits and brick earth. S. Davidson. Esq.,of Aldborough, has lately examined the barrows, and found many specimens of valuable antiquities, consisting of rings, coins, and other memorials. The population in 1861 was 554, and the extent of land is 2,100 acres, including 300 acres of open common, on which the inhabitants had a right of free pasturage, but which are now enclosed, having been divided among respective owners in the parish. Parish Clerk, John Crowe.
POST & MONEY ORDER OFFICE & POST OFFICE SAVINGS BANK.—Isaac Kerridge, postmaster. Letters are received through Saxmundham, arrive at 8.30 a.m.; dispatched at 6 p.m. The nearest money order office is at Saxmundham
INSURANCE AGENT.—Liverpool & London 7 Globe, Newson Garrett, Snape bridge
IFSWICH—Robert.Knights, 6a.m.returning sameday
SAXMUNDHAM—Charles Alderton, Wednesday, at 2 p.m. returning same day WOODBRIDGE—Robert Knights, monday &. thursday, at 8 a.m. returning same day
Scarlett John, esq. Snape house

Barnes John, boot & shoe maker
Barnes Thomas, farmer
Brightwell John, grocer
Brown William, farmer
Burt Jonathan, baker
Button James, grocer & draper
Chenery John, corn
Clarke William, wheelwright
Crowe John, blacksmith & parish clerk
Dale Samuel, boot & shoe maker
Garrett Newson, maltster & corn & seed merchant, Snape bridge
Groom Chas. jun. farmer, Common
Groom Chas. sen. farmer, Snape abbey
Hambling Isabel.(Mrs.), farmer & brick maker
Hilling James, farmer
Hilling John, boot & shoe maker
Hudson John, farmer
Kerridge Isaac, postmaster & draper
Lambard Charles, boot & shoe maker
Markin William, corn miller
Pryke Daniel, Crown inn
Rackham William, butcher
Read William, farmer
Stoner George, grocer

And Last updated on: Wednesday, 02-Oct-2024 15:04:04 BST