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Public houses in Sotterley
SOTTERLEY parish, 4 1/2 miles S.S.E. of Beccles, and 7 miles
N.E. of Halesworth, has its houses mostly scattered round the margin of an
extensive park, and contains 223 souls, and 1593a. 3r. 5p. of land. The Earl of
Gosford and T. C. Scott, Esq., each own a farm here, and all the rest belongs,
with the manor, to Frederick Barne, Esq., of Sotterley Hall, a large and
handsome mansion, in a richly wooded and finely undulated Park, comprising 489a.
1R. It has recently been embellished with an elegant portico of the Corinthian
order, and was formerly the seat of the Playters, who held the manor as early as
the reign of Edward II., and one of whom was created a baronet in 1623, but the
title is now extinct. The Church (St. Margaret) stands in the park, near the
hall, embowered in trees. It has a lofty embattled tower, and contains several
ancient monuments of the Playter family. The living is a discharged rectory,
valued in K.B. at £10,and now having a good residence, about 34 acres of glebe,
and a yearly modus of £290. 18s. 11d., awarded in 1840 in lieu of tithes.
Frederick Barne, Esq., is patron, and the Rev. G. F. Barlow, M.A., incumbent. In
1616, Thomas Jollye left a yearly rent-charge of .£6, out of the manor of
Benacre, for the poor of Sotterley, who have also an allotment of 5a., awarded
at the enclosure, and now let for £6. 10s. a year. Two tenements, called the
Town House, are occupied rent free by poor families. The School was built in
1840, at the expense of the rector.
Barne Frederick Esq, Sotterley Hall and Dunwich
Barne Mrs Mary, Sotterley Hall
Bowater Major General Sir Edward G. C. H. equerry to Prince Albert, Sotterley
Benns William, corn miller
Briggs Chester, blacksmith
Briggs Jonas, vict. Board
Doddington William, wheelwright
Raven Eliz. schoolmistress
Warmoll Rev Sayer Stone, B.A. curate, Rectory
Wailing Robert, land agent
West James, brewer and grocer
Brunning James
Chenery George
Garrod Thomas
Mann Mary
Goodwin William