Three Kings, Common side east, Mitcham, Surrey

Mitcham pub history index

Directory of Pubs in the UK, historical public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in Surrey . /P>

Residents at this address

1809/Ann Jennings, Three Kings, Mitcham, Surrey/../../Holdens Directory

1822/Ann Jennings/Three Kings/../../Petty Sessions

1825/Ann Bartram/Three Kings/../../Petty Sessions

1839/Josh Hancock/Three Kings, Lower Mitcham/../../Pigots Directory

1855/James Rosier/Three Kings, Mitcham common/../../Post Office Directory

1861/Alfred Everard/Licensed Victualler/30/Suffolk/Census
1861/Elizabeth Everard/Wife/29/Middlesex/Census
1861/Jane Osgood/Servant/14/Sussex/Census

Croydon Chronicle and East Surrey Advertiser 08 March 1862 - Transfer of Licences
Three Kings, Mitcham, from Alfred Everard to Thomas H Woolfe

1871/Alfred Mitchell/Licensed Victualler/35/Bermondsey Surrey/Census ***
1871/Elizabeth Mitchell/Wife/37/Dorking Surrey/Census
1871/Alfred Mitchell/Son Lic Victuallers Assistant/13/Dorking Surrey/Census
1871/James Mitchell/Son Scholar/12/Bermondsey Surrey/Census
1871/Elizabeth Mitchell/Dau Scholar/9/Bermondsey Surrey/Census
1871/William Mitchell/Son Scholar/8/Bermondsey Surrey/Census
1871/Henry Mitchell/Son Scholar/5/Bermondsey Surrey/Census
1871/Jane Coe/Sister In Law General Servant/17/Dorking Surrey/Census

1878/William Grove/../../../Kelly’s Directory

1881/Barnett Parfitt/Publican/47/Shirley, Surrey/Census
1881/Charlotte Parfitt/Wife/45/Croydon, Surrey/Census
1881/William Blundell/Nephew, Barman/19/Addington, Surrey/Census

1891/Mrs M M Norman/../../../Kelly’s Directory

1911/Edwin Newman/Licensed Victualler/32/Hampstead, London/Census
1911/Frances Newman/Wife/20/Mitcham, Surrey/Census
1911/Nora Newman/Daughter/1/Mitcham, Surrey/Census

1913/Edwin Newman/../../../Kelly’s Directory

1937/F E Penney, Three Kings (The), 23 Common side east, Mitcham/../../Kelly’s Directory

*** Provided By Bev Howlett

And Last updated on: Monday, 19-Feb-2024 16:04:59 GMT