Six Bells Inn, The Street, Chiddingly, East Sussex BN8 6HT

Chiddingly pub history index

Directory of Pubs in the UK, historical public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in Chiddingly, East Sussex

Residents at this address

1899, David William Gutsell, Six Bells, The Street, Chiddingly/../../Post Office Directory

In 1911 at Six Bells Inn Chiddingly
George Henry Ditch, Inn keeper and retired water maker, aged 38 years and born in Sedlescombe Sussex
Elizabeth Ditch, Wife, aged 40 years and born in Worthingham Sussex
George Alfred Ha Ditch, Son, aged 9 years and born in Hurstenceux Sussex

1938, William George Smith, proprietor, Six Bells Hotel The Street, Chiddingly/../../Post Office Directory

2018, Six Bells Inn, The Street, Chiddingly, East Sussex BN8 6HT

And Last updated on: Friday, 09-Feb-2024 13:03:35 GMT