Griffin Hotel, High Street, Fletching, East Sussex TN22 3SS

Fletching pub history index

Directory of Pubs in the UK, historical public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in Fletching, East Sussex.

Griffin Inn, Fletching, Sussex

Griffin Inn, Fletching, Sussex

Kindly provided by John Fisher

Residents at this address.

In 1911 at Fletching Uckfield Sussex
William J Stevenson, Licensed victualler, aged 49 years, and born in Norfolk Wroxham
Lizzie Stevenson, Wife, aged 39 years, and born in Surrey Guildford
Mary Jessie Stevenson, Daughter, aged 6 years, and born in London Marylebone

1918/William John Stevenson/../../../Post Office Directory

1930/Stephen Bentley/../../../Post Office Directory

1938/Leonard Stone/../../../Post Office Directory

2018, The Griffin, High Street, Fletching, East Sussex TN22 3SS

And Last updated on: Friday, 09-Feb-2024 13:04:00 GMT