Hare & Hounds, The Street, Framfield, East Sussex TN22 5NJ

Framfield pub history index

Directory of Pubs in the UK, historical public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in Uckfield, Sussex .

Residents at this address.

1888/Henry William Bryant, coal merchant, Hare and Hounds, Farmfield street/../../Brookers Guide *

George Banks is at the New Inn, Ridgewood Hill, Uckfield in the 1901 census

In 1911 at the Village, Framfield
George Banks, Publican, aged 51 years, and born in Pevensey Sussex
Emily Banks, Wife, Assistant, aged 51 years, and born in Brighton Sussex

1918/George Banks/../../../Post Office Directory

In 1921 at Hare and Hounds Inn, Framfield, Sussex
George Banks, Licensed Victualler, aged 61 years 11 months, and born in Pevensey, Sussex, At Home
Emily Jane Banks, Wife, Household Duties, aged 62 years 5 months, and born in Brighton, Sussex

1930/Arthur Horscroft/../../../Post Office Directory

1938/Arthur Horscroft/../../../Post Office Directory

2018, Hare And Hounds, The Street, Framfield, East Sussex TN22 5NJ

And Last updated on: Friday, 09-Feb-2024 13:04:01 GMT