Red Lion, Denbigh Road, Hooe Common, Hooe, East Sussex TN33 9EW

Hooe pub history index

Directory of Pubs in the UK, historical public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in Hooe, East Sussex

Residents at this address

1859/J Cuthbert/../../../Post Office Directory

1866/J Cuthbert/../../../Post Office Directory

1878/William Christer/../../../Post Office Directory

1890/Henry S Brooks/../../../Post Office Directory

1899/Henry Sidney Brook/../../../Post Office Directory

1901/John T Faircloth/Publican/59/Leigh, Kent/Census
1901/Eliza Faircloth/Wife/60/Leigh, Kent/Census
1901/Ella Faircloth/Daughter/20/Leigh, Kent/Census
1901/Mary Taylor/Niece, Widow/31/Leigh, Kent/Census
1901/James Taylor/Nephew/11/Leigh, Kent/Census

1905/Thomas Edward Ryan/../../../Post Office Directory

1915/Harry Barton/../../../Post Office Directory

1918/Harry Barton/../../../Post Office Directory

In 1921 census at The Red Lion Inn, Hooe,
Henry John Barton, Publican aged 45 years 10 months, and born in Herstmonceux, Sussex
Margaretta Barton, Wife, House Duties aged 43 years 10 months, and born in Hooe Parish
Edna Barton, Daughter, House Duties aged 14 years 8 months, and born in Hooe Parish
Ronald Barton, Sonaged 12 years 8 months, and born in Hooe Parish
John Barton, Father, Farm Labourer aged 70 years 5 months, and born in Wartling, Sussex
Eliza Barton, Mother, Home Duties aged 67 years 2 months, and born in Herstmonceux, Sussex

1930/Harry J Barton/../../../Post Office Directory

1938/Harry J Barton/../../../Post Office Directory

2018, Red Lion, Denbigh Road, Hooe Common, Hooe, East Sussex TN33 9EW

And Last updated on: Friday, 09-Feb-2024 13:04:47 GMT