Hearty Good Fellow, 285 Arbury road, Stockingford, Nuneaton CV10 7NQ

Nuneaton pub history index

The Hearty Goodfellow, Arbury Road, Nuneaton. Alive & Kicking.

The Hearty Goodfellow, Arbury Road, Nuneaton. Alive & Kicking.

Kindly provided by Anthony Barnes

Directory of Pubs in the UK, historical public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in Warwickshire.

Residents at this address

1891/George Hardy/Beerhouse Keeper, Widow/86/Chilvers Coton, Warwickshire/Census

1912/John Baxter, beer retailer, 285 Arbury road, Stockingford/../Kellys Directory

2018, Hearty Goodfellow, 285 Arbury Road, Nuneaton CV10 7NQ

And Last updated on: Friday, 09-Feb-2024 14:55:26 GMT