Salutation Inn, Chancery Lane, Stockingford, Nuneaton CV10 0PB

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The Salutation Inn, Chancery , Nuneaton. Still going strong.

The Salutation Inn, Chancery , Nuneaton. Still going strong.

Kindly provided by Anthony Barnes

Residents at this address

1880/Joseph Chetwynd, Salutation Inn, Chapel end, Stockingford/../Kellys Directory

1881/Joseph Chetwynd/Licensed Victualler/40/Baddley Ensor, Warwickshire/Census
1881/Hannah Chetwynd/Wife/45/Baddley Ensor, Warwickshire/Census
1881/Frank Chetwynd/Son/8/Baddley Ensor, Warwickshire/Census
1881/Ruth Chetwynd/Daughter/4/Ansley, Warwickshire/Census

1891/Hannah Chetwynd/Licensed Victualler, Widow/55/Dordon, Warwickshire/Census
1891/Frank Chetwynd/Son, Coal Miner/18/Baddesley Ensor, Warwickshire/Census
1891/Ruth Chetwynd/Daughter/14/Ansley, Warwickshire/Census

1912/Albert Randle, Salutation, Stockingford/../Kellys Directory

In 1939 at the Salutation Inn, Chancery Lane are
Percy Mellor, Licensed Victualler, born 24 Oct 1892
Cecily F Mellor, Unpaid Domestic Duties, born 11 Jun 1902
George W Mellor, At School, born 8 Dec 1927
Stanley F Mellor, At School, born 12 Apr 1927

1940/Percy Mellor/../../Kellys Directory

2018, Salutation Inn, 31 Chancery Lane, Nuneaton CV10 0PB

And Last updated on: Friday, 09-Feb-2024 14:55:27 GMT