London 1746 Rocques map

Barley Corn, 27 Coppergate, York

Benjamin Lodge is publican here from at least 1829 to 1851. The Barley Corn at 27 Coppergate existed by 1823, when Simon Russel is the licensee.

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Directory of Pubs in the UK, historical public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in Yorkshire.

Residents at this address

1823 Baines, Barleycorn, Sim. Russel, Coppergate

1829 Pigots, Barley Corn, Benjamin Lodge, 19 Coppergate

1840, Barleycorn, Benj Lodge, 18 Coppergate

In 1841 at Coppergate is Benjamin Lodge, Publican aged 45 and his wife Mary also aged 45 along with William aged 10 and Eliza aged 6.
Harriet Lockwood and Sarah Porter are both 15 and living at the property and probably servants.

1851 Whites, Barley Corn, B. Lodge, 20 Coppergate

In 1851 at 20 Coppergate, All Saints Pavement, York, Yorkshire
Benjamin Lodge, Inn keeper aged 58 and born in Sherburn, Yorkshire
Mary Lodge, Wife aged 56 and born in Yorkshire
Eliza Lodge, Daughter aged 16 and born in Yorkshire
Jane Whiteley, General servant aged 16 and born in Yorkshire

1872, Barley Corn Inn, James Knight, 27 Coppergate

1885, Harry Attwood, Barley Corn Inn, 27 Coppergate

1895, John Martin Kelk, victualler, Coppergate

And Last updated on: Sunday, 08-Sep-2024 13:19:27 BST