London 1746 Rocques map

Clarence Hotel, Davygate, York

York pub history index

Directory of Pubs in the UK, historical public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in Yorkshire.

Residents at this address

1851, Clarence Hotel, T. Smith, 2 Davygate

1872, Clarence Hotel, George Hilton, 1 Davygate

York Herald. 12 October 1872 - New Licensing Act
Applications for extension of time to :
Mr Philip Matthews, York Hotel; Mr G Hilton, Clarence Hotel ; Mr William Thomas, Thomas's Hotel, to be open to twelve o'clock on the nights when there are preformances at the theatre, concerts and entertainments at the Festival Concery Room and the De Grey Rooms, and ball nights to four a.m.

1885, Clarence Hotel, William H. A. Coates, Davygate

And Last updated on: Thursday, 05-Sep-2024 13:31:43 BST