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Clock, Parliament street, York

York pub history index

Residents at this address

1872, The Clock Inn, William Coleman, Parliament street

York Herald. 12 October 1872 - New Licensing Act
Applications for extension of time to :
A renewal took place in the case of Mr J Horsley, of the Leopard, Coney street, but those on behalf of Mr James Sowden, of the Ebor Vaults, Church street, and to Mr Coleman, of the Clock, Parliament street, were refused.

York Herald. 05 May 1875
Extensions of time - the following innkeepers were allowed to keep open their houses for the sale of liquor until twelve o'clock during the cavalry week, viz :
Mr Coates, of the Clock, Parliament street ; Mr Ashton, Cricketers Arms, Davygate ; Mr Scaife, Three Cranes, St Sampsons square; and Mr Bean, Mail Coach, St Sampsons square.

1885, Clock, Francis Henry Vaughan, 34 Parliament street

In 1901, John Hewetson Walton is a Licensed victualler at Nessgate, York, Yorkshire

In 1911 at The Clock Hotel Parliament St York
John Hewetson Walton, Licensed victualler aged 51 and born in Monmouthshire Newport
Mary Alice Walton, Wife, Assisting in the business aged 47 and born in York, Yorkshire
Hewetson Walton, Son, Plumber aged 26 and born in York, Yorkshire
Tom Walton, Son, Apprentice to drapery aged 18 and born in York, Yorkshire
Harry Walton, Son, Apprentice to printer aged 16 and born in York, Yorkshire
Ethel Fowler, Domestic servant aged 26 and born in York, Yorkshire

1913, Clock Public House, Parliament street, John Hewetson Walton

And Last updated on: Wednesday, 02-Oct-2024 11:22:25 BST