London 1746 Rocques map

Golden Ball, 1 Victor street, York

York pub history index

Named the Three Golden Balls in the 1891 census.

Directory of Pubs in the UK, historical public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in Yorkshire.

Residents at this address

In 1871 at 3 Bishophill, St Mary Bishophill Senior, York, Yorkshire
William Flint, Inn keeper aged 53 and born in Holme on Spalding, Yorkshire
Ann E Flint, Wife aged 52 and born in St Pancras, Middlesex
Jane Flint, Daughter aged 22 and born in York, Yorkshire

1872, Golden Ball Inn, William Flint, 325 Aldwark Bishophill senior

York Herald. 12 October 1872 - New Licensing Act
Applications for extension of time to :
The application for an extension of time on behalf of Mrs Mountain, Cross Keys, Goodramgate; Mr Flint, Golden Ball, Bishophill; and Mr Beecham, Jacobs Well, Trinity lane, were refused.

1885, Golden Ball, Chas. Clayton, 1 St. Marys row, Bishophill

In 1891 at Three Golden Balls, 1 Victor Street, St Mary Bishopshill Senior, York
Charles Clayton, Publican aged 31 and born in Allerton, Yorkshire
Mary Jane Clayton, Wife aged 29 and born in Methley, Yorkshire
Jane Hannah Clayton, Daughter aged 7 and born in Castleford, Yorkshire
Louisa Clayton, Sister, Barmaid aged 23 and born in Castleford, Yorkshire

1895, Charles Clayton, victualler, 1 Victor street

1911, Golden Ball, Victor street, Atherley

1913, Golden Ball, 1 Victor street, John Atherly

In 1921 at 1 Victor Street, York, Yorkshire
George Deacon Raine, Licensed Victualler, J Smith Tadcaster, Brewers aged 35 years 6 months and born in Amotherby, Yorkshire
Violet Raine, Wife, Managerss, J Smith Tadcaster, (Brewers) aged 32 years 10 months and born in York, Yorkshire
Noel Deacon Raine, Son aged 10 years 11 months and born in York, Yorkshire
Kenneth Lloyd Raine, Son aged 6 years 6 months and born in York, Yorkshire
Herbert Carr, Father-in-law, Engine Fitte, North Eastern Railway aged 55 years 1 month and born in York, Yorkshire
May Pownall, Visitor, General Domestic Servant, J Smith Tadcaster aged 17 years 1 month and born in Stockport, Cheshire

And Last updated on: Thursday, 05-Sep-2024 14:59:55 BST