London 1746 Rocques map

Jacobs Well, 1 and 3 Trinity lane, York"

York pub history index

Directory of Pubs in the UK, historical public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in Yorkshire.

Residents at this address

1823 Baines, Jacob's Well, Richard Dalby; Trinity lane

1829 Pigots, Jacob's Well, John Wilberfoss, 17 Trinity lane

1840, Jacobs' Well, Joseph Necomb, 16 Trinity Lane

1851 Whites, Jacobs Well, Joseph Newcombe, 16, Trinity lane

In 1871 at Trinity Lane, Holy Trinity Micklegate, York, Yorkshire
Richard Beecham, Inn keeper, aged 50 and born in Kirton, Lincolnshired
Hannah Beecham, Inn keeper wife, aged 46 and born in Doncaster, Yorkshire
George Rowley, Brother, Fruiterer, aged 48 and born in Doncaster, Yorkshire
Elizabeth Rowley, Niece, aged 8 and born in Strensall, Yorkshire

1872, Jacobs Well Inn, Richard Beecham, Trinity lane

York Herald. 12 October 1872 - New Licensing Act
Applications for extension of time to :
The application for an extension of time on behalf of Mrs Mountain, Cross Keys, Goodramgate; Mr Flint, Golden Ball, Bishophill; and Mr Beecham, Jacobs Well, Trinity lane, were refused.

1885, Jacobs Well, Benj. Bollinson, 1 and 3 Trinity lane

And Last updated on: Thursday, 05-Sep-2024 14:59:55 BST